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Two days passed like a bullet. As if, I slept on a Friday night and woke up on a Monday morning. But I was in a happy mood and fully energised. I quickly did my morning routine and put on one of my favourite outfits. I was trying to sneak out of the house quietly but obviously couldn't as my mom shouted my name. "Don't you dare step a foot aside without having breakfast". I groaned under my breath. Did I forget to mention how much I hated breakfast?! "Please mom please. You know I feel nauseous in the morning". "I don't give a damn. Come here and eat it." I rolled my eyes and was about to have the ugliest meal of the day when I noticed my mom got busy on the phone. Would you look at that! I quickly took advantage of the situation and sneaked out.

I parked my car near my favourite cafe, ordered my cappuccino and Pistachio Croissants and decided to walk all the way instead of driving because the weather was everything. Entering my office, I opened the windows, placed my jacket on the chair and made my way to the kitchen to make a green tea for Mr. Ainsworth.

Knocking two times on the door I stood there until I heard "come in, Duaa". It almost became a habit. "Good morning, Mr. Ainsworth." He looked up from the file he was checking and smiled at me. His smile was brighter than usual. "How was the weekend, dear?" I placed his tea on the desk before replying "as usual, boring." he chuckled. I was about to ask him about the surprise he said he would give me on Monday when he said, "Duaa dear, do you remember about the surprise I told you about? Well, it's right behind you." I turned around and what the freaking freak?! It was a whole ass human, sitting on the couch, looking directly at me.

I turned back to Mr. Ainsworth, giving him a "explain please" expression. "Eryx, come here." I looked at Eryx as he was coming toward me. He stood right in front of me and dude was enormous. How come I didn't notice him when I entered? I looked up at him. I knew I wasn't short but he was too tall. His eyes were the darkest shade of nature, eyelashes long enough to make me jealous. His bright brown hair was long enough to do a half bun. His hair strings remain calm on his forehead. "Duua , meet my grandson, Eryx Ainswoth." He gave me a flirtatious kinda smile, which I didn't return. Since he is Mr. Ainworth's grandson, I got the idea why he was here. But he didn't look like someone serious and professional because he was wearing a CK hoodie and a pair of sky blue jeans . He was giving playful vibes. He was nothing but a stereotypical white dude, I told myself. "And Eryx, this Duaa, Duaa Wahed aka the manager of this company plus my personal assistant plus my favourite employee." Mr. Ainsworth gave me a cheeky smile which I returned with an awkward smile for no ass reason.

The other Ainsworth cleared his throat, "so, you're the famous Duaa that my grandpa can't seem to stop mentioning. Nice to finally meet you." so many thoughts ran through my mind in a second. First of all, woah, what's up with the voice. It was so deep that I felt like the room was echoing. Secondly, what was with that expression and that annoying smile, as if I'm inferior to him. He was mocking me, I knew it because this was not the first time I received this kind of look when people got to know I'm the manager of this company. And thirdly, despite having his grandfather pronounce my name correctly, he went like Do-a.

Clenching my jaw, I look him directly into his eyes. "It's Duaa and I'm also so so pleased to meet you." I replied with the fakest smile ever and made sure to sound fake as well cause damn you Eryx Ainsworth.

"So Duaa, you must be thinking why you are here."  yes please. Now we both were facing Mr. Ainsworth. "You see, my grandson came back from abroad last week, finishing his university...." ok so he's younger than me. "And now I think he should take over the family business." I can't imagine this douchebag being the CEO of this company. I turned to him and shamelessly gave him a judgy look before turning back to Mr. Ainsworth. "But it's not that easy to become the CEO. He needs to understand the company first." and its value, I said in my mind. I could already see where the conversation was going. "And no one knows this company better than you. So for the next three days, I want you to show him around, explain to him how things work." "Three days?!" My impulsive thought came before I could stop it and it did sound like a nightmare. Beside me I could hear the douchebag chuckle which made me roll my eyes.

"Yes, dear. Are there any problems" yea, right beside me. I wanted to say but I silently shook my head. "Good. and after those three days, we are gonna have a chat about my grandson's position in this company." I tasted a bit of victory. I gave him a look that said your destiny is in my hand. "The meeting was dismissed. You guys can leave." I gave Mr. Ainsworth a small smile before making my way toward the door, followed by the giant douchebag.

"You know I'm gonna be your future boss, right?" he said in a low egoistic voice. "You know what the word future means, right?" I gave him a bittersweet smile which he returned instantly. "Sure do, Duaa." I rolled my eyes. He winked at me and held the door open. He was giving Jack Harlow but the Walmart version I swear. I was already annoyed by him. Or is it because he was as smooth as Jack Harlow, my brain whispered?

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