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"When she comes in here, don't offer her your handshake." my grandpa said strictly as we entered his office. "What is she? Germaphobe or lesbian?" When my grandpa didn't laugh I had to clarify that I was just joking. "Religious purposes. She's a muslim. I hope you are not oblivious to the concept. She's one of the best employees of the company and she's older than you so show her some respect." I like older women. This was the concept I wasn't oblivious to.

Sitting on the couch of my grandpa's office I was on my phone. I still don't understand why she was needed here. I came back home last week after graduating and my grandpa already wants me to start working. I just wanted to have fun. Catching up with old friends, going to clubs etc. so at first I wanted to say no but then being a CEO of a well-known company isn't that hard. I just have to give orders and have thousands of workers to do the task for me. Now here I was, waiting for the respectful employee. What was her name again? Duaa, Well she better be hot as Duaa Lipa.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I looked towards the door and entered a tall girl who was almost fully covered. I could just see her hand but not her face as she was already walking towards grandpa. From this one look I could already tell she was everything but my type. But guess what, I'm always up to trying new things. So you never know. I couldn't specify her body shape with all those loose clothes.

I was observing her and the next moment I was walking towards her. She's pretty, first thing I noticed. She has a lot of moles on her face. Right beside her eyebrow, above her lips, on her cheeks. Not gonna deny that I was a bit taken back by the fact that she's the manager and no, she doesn't seem much older than me. She had sharp eyebrows, brown eyes, and full lips. Her attitude was completely opposite of mine. One thing that got my attention.

Moments later we were in the elevator. We were going to the 15th floor. "If you're teaching me how an elevator works, I already know that for your kind information." "oh do you? My bad." She turned to me and gave me a fake tight smile. She understands sarcasm. Good thing.

The elevator opened at the 8th floor and dayum. A chick entered, in a white shirt kind of top and a skirt that barely reached her knee. "Good morning, Duaa." "Good morning, Rose." Rose, she was a bit taken back after watching me. I gave her a smile that seemed to gather blood on her cheeks. I noticed her ring finger and guess what, the gurlie gurl was married. "good morning" She awkwardly greeted me too. "Hello there, beautiful." she gave me a nervous smile and my work is done here.

We all came to the 15th floor. Ms. Rose turned back to me. I gave her a wink and wished her a good day. Her expression was nothing uncommon. I'm used to having these effects on women. I smiled proudly, watching Rose go and found a judgy Duaa looking at me.

"what?" I asked. "She's married!" "I'm not. And if she wants to get in my pants I wouldn't mind." I stated the obvious. "Astagferullah! You're disgusting." Huh? What was the enormous word? "What did you just call me?" She ignored me and started walking.

We went in front of an office which Duaa opened with her id. "When am I getting one of these?" "when you deserve one." She answered without looking at me. "Sure thing."

We came into a room, full of computers and other devices. "as we both know you're gonna be a member of this company so first of..." I cut her "so you're admitting it?" "yes, unfortunately" she gave me an innocent smile before continuing "so first of all you need to have a g-mail account of this office. So you can know what is going on and the schedule." I nodded. "Yes, ma'am." I caught her off guard. "can you be serious for a moment." "I'm serious." I protested, knowing damn well I'm not. These are not my things. At least not right now. I'm more interested in annoying her now. "yea sure!" she rolled her eyes again. "You know you shouldn't roll your eyes that much. They're gonna get stuck inside your head." "Then don't make me roll my eyes!" Her eyes widened as she realised what she just said. Before I could say anything she pointed her index finger at me "don't even!" I raised my hand in the air, trying not to laugh. The next three days are gonna be fine.

IF WE ARE MEANT TO BEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin