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Coming out of the car I was just searching for Duaa. Not listening to anything Mr. Jone had to say. Oh..I finally got his name. He was speaking so much that his voice sounded almost invisible to me. And there she was. Talking to someone while walking with a coffee in her hand.

"So you have to calculate.." I turned to Mr Jone, not being able to hear him talk for another sec. "Mr. Jones, is there any way you could manage breakfast for me? I haven't had it yet." His eyes widened and he started panicking. "You should have told me that sooner, sir. I mean Eryx." I placed my hands on his shoulders. "It's really okay, Jone. Just manage the breakfast now. It's not a big deal." "on it." and he finally went away.

I turned to my left and saw Duaa and the girl she was talking to earlier were coming towards me. I couldn't take my gaze away from Duaa. She made brief eye contact with me before looking at the file in her hands.

"Hey." I said to brownie which she completely ignored but the girl beside her replied with a shy smile. "Kourtney this is Eryx and Eryx this is Kourtney." Me and Kourtney, we looked at each other. She offered me her hand which I accepted. "It's so nice to meet you, Eryx." I just gave her a tight smile.

Usually I'm not like this but today I had zero will into getting to know someone. I just wanted to talk to brownie and apologise to her.

"Kourtney is in charge of the administrative work so you will be working with her for the next twenty days." 

wait what? 

So I wouldn't get to work with brownie? 

"Now if you excuse me I have other work to manage." and she walked past me again, leaving me with Kourtney. "Come on, lemme show you around."

From my side vision I could see brownie talking to a group of workers. "You go on. I'll catch you later." I said to Kourtney before making my way to Duaa.

"Can I have a moment?" I asked, interrupting Duaa's conversation. She replied without looking at me. "I'm busy right now." "please." The workers were looking at us. Sighing loudly she excused herself and we moved a bit far from the workers.

"Speak." I wanted to apologise but I realise it's not the best time. "Umm..since I'm your assistant shouldn't I be working with you." "you're not my assistant. Not here. That's why I need you to work with Kourtney." She said normally. Like everything was fine between us. From outside it definitely seems fine I bet. It looks professional. But what we had was more than professionalism and I want things to go back that way.

"So that's it? I'll just stay and work with Kourtney?" She just simply nodded. "And if you think you can handle more than that I suggest you talk to Mr. Jone. Now if you excuse me I..." "cut the bullshit Duaa. I wanna talk about yesterday. Look I know what I did was completely impulsive and wrong and I'm extremely sorry for that. Even I was.."

She interrupted me before I could finish what I was saying. "The only conversation we will be having from now on is about work." and just like that she walked away.


With my legs crossed on the desk, I was sitting on the chair, pretending to read the file I had on my hand from the past one hour. The room was small. But considering the main office was still being prepared it was pretty comfortable gotta admit. Kourtney was one the other side of the room but still close enough.

She was short, curvy and sexy. I could see her staring at me every now and then. If I wanted I could take her right there. No one would even suspect us hooking up. But for the first time in history I wasn't in the mood. All I was thinking about was Duaa.

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