Post Beacon

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Ruby lets go of her uncle hugging me tightly.

Ruby: "Thank Oum you're okay."

She lets go.

Ruby: "What even happened to you?"

After sitting in the living room I tell them everything that happened on Beacon Tower.

Qrow: "Who do you think it was telling you to go to Haven?"

Y/N: "I don't know."

Ruby: "You think it was a villain?"

Y/N: "More than certainly."

Ruby: "So what do we do?"

Qrow: "You kids aren't gonna do anything. Soon as communications are back up I'll see who's still out there. After that I'll try and come up with a plan for Haven."

He walks away. Ruby then looks at me.

Ruby: "We're not gonna listen to him, are we?"

Y/N: "I have to know who it was that spoke to me. But I get this feeling I'll be walking into a trap."

I stand up.

Ruby: "So what're you gonna do?"

Y/N: "Do what that person said, train. Then when I'm ready I'll go meet them in Haven."


Zipping up my bag I head outside to see the others waiting for me. 

Y/N: "You guys ready?"

Jaune: "You sure you wanna do this? It could be dangerous."

Y/N: "Not as long as we look after each other."

Ruby: "Then let's get going."

They begin leaving. Meanwhile I think to myself.

Y/N: "No turning back now. Soon as I start walking I can't stop. I'll have to see this through to the very end. Jaune's right, it could be dangerous. Especially since I'm powerless. I could very well die."

I smile.

Y/N: "But that's never stopped me before."

I flip up my jacket collar beginning the long walk to Haven.


Pulling some brush down I see my target.

Y/N: "Here goes nothing."

Inhaling I rush out of cover towards the target. In its line of sight I yell.

Y/N: "Hey you big dumb pile of rocks, come get me!!!"

I take off running. Looking over my shoulder I see the Petra Gigas chasing after me. Looking back forward I leap over a cliff landing in an opening. The Petra Gigas lands bringing down its fist. Using my line launcher I'm swung out of the way. As I go past the Petra Gigas I launch three spheres at it.

They explode coating the Petra Gigas in flames. It flails its arms trying to put out the flames. But with its attention diverted Nora is able to swing her hammer into the Petra Gigas' left knee. It's taken down where Nora once more swings her hammer, this time striking the Petra Gigas in its face.

Jaune: "Now Y/N!!"

Landing on my feet I send two kamikaze rockets at the Petra Gigas. When they explode lightning sends the Petra Gigas onto its back. 

Y/N: "All you Ruby!"

Ren cups his hands. Ruby plants her foot on them. As he pushes her up she fires her scythe giving her an added boost. At peak altitude she once more fires her scythe. This propels her downwards towards the Petra Gigas. Her blade pierces the Petra Gigas' mask fully killing it.

Y/N: "Way to go Ruby."

Her cheeks turn red as she smiles. I turn facing my friends. But for some reason Nora is pouting.

Y/N: "What's wrong Nora?"

Nora: "Nothing's wrong. I'm sad you think something would be."

She begins walking away. 

Y/N: "What's wrong with her?"

The others begin walking away without saying a word.

Y/N: "What'd I say?"

A hand is placed on my back.

Ren: "She forgives you because you're still young."

He walks away. Meanwhile I throw my hands up in confusion.

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