Taking Initiation

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I laugh at the feeling of flying through the air. I however soon begin the descent. Reaching into a pouch I thwip that cable wrapping around a tree branch. The line goes tight sending me into an arched swing. At the end I land safely on the forest floor. Holstering the cable I walk north.

Y/N: "Alright Y/N. You're in a forest flowing with Grimm. This' what you've spent all these years training for. You got this."

I smile gaining confidence. But at that moment a twig snaps. I turn seeing a pack of Beowolves has now appeared. I withdraw the handle from my waist. Pressing a button a blade springs forth. The Alpha growls eyeing me with hate. It then roars sending the pack at me. I double grip the sword handle reeling it back.

Y/N: "Let's do this."

The first Beowolf lunges at me swinging its claws. A duck spares my head from being cleaved off. Now in the clear I swing my sword relieving the Beowolf of its arm. It hollers at its bleeding nub. Another Beowolf goes to impale me. It's however stopped by my sword impaling its chest. Two Beowolves rush at me. Digging deep I use all my strength to push the impaled Beowold forward. 

The charging Beowolves are additionally impaled. Coming to a stop I give my sword a swing cleaving all three Beowolves in half. A smile graces my lips. But this allows a set of claws to tear open my back. 

To add insult to injury a set of jaws latch onto my shoulder, lifting me off the ground. I'm tossed having my back crash into a tree. A gasp escapes my lips as all air leaves my lungs. I gasp trying to regain my air. But looking forward lets me spot the one armed Beowolf charging at me. 

Y/N: *out of breath* "Crap."

A roll keeps the Beowolf's jaws from latching onto my head. Now in the clear the one armed Beowolf is sliced in half. But my victory is short lived by the Alpha Beowolf grabbing my neck. I'm lifted off the ground. The Alpha Beowolf reels back its claws, ready to take off my head.

Y/N: "No you don't."

I swing my sword, only to have it caught mid swing. The Alpha Beowolf leans bringing its jaws closer and closer to my face. Acting quick I send both of my feet into the Alpha Beowolf's chest. This knocks me loose and puts some distance between us. But it's quickly closed as the Alpha Beowold runs at me full speed. I reach into a pouch smiling.

Y/N: "Try this on for size."

I use my thumb to roll the striker. The combustion pouch is ignited making my gadget fly like a rocket at the Alpha Beowolf. The built in blade impales its shoulder making it holler in pain. The gadget now explodes as the secondary combustion pouch ignites. I smile seeing only the bottom half of Alpha Beowolf remaining.

Y/N: "Kamikaze rocket, never fails."

Holstering my sword I continue my walk to the relics. Nabbing mine I head back to Ozpin where I'm called onto the stage. 

Ozpin: "Y/N L/N. You have collected a relic yet you do not have a partner. Normally that would mean you'd be asked to leave."

I slightly look down in fear.

Ozpin: "But you've shown you've got the will to win, despite being disadvantaged."

He makes a projection of my fight be shown.

Ozpin: "That's valuable to have as a Huntsman. The skill to win against difficult odds. Therefore I believe it'd be for the best that you stay."

I smile.

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