Beacon Academy

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The very next day I ride out on a bullhead to Beacon. I smile enjoying the view of Vale from above. It's interrupted by a girl's voice.

Girl: "Let me go!!!"

I turn seeing a girl in red in a head lock by a girl in yellow. 

Yellow: "Say the magic word."

Red: "I mean it, let me go!"

Yellow: "Not even close."

I chuckle walking to them. 

Y/N: "Hi."

They look at me.

Red: "Hello."

Yellow: "Hey."

Y/N: "Am I... interrupting something?"

Yellow: "No."

She lets go of red. Red then swiftly slaps the back of yellow's head. Yellow shows no reaction holding out her hand.

Yang: "Name's Yang. Pleasure to meet you."

Y/N: "Y/N."

We shake hands. She points over her shoulder at red.

Yang: "That runt over there is my baby sister Ruby."

Ruby: "Hello."

She does an adorable wave. I break the hand shake when Yang looks me over.

Yang: "Say, you're a bit on the young side. How'd you get into Beacon?"

Ruby now looks me over.

Ruby: "Are you seventeen?"

Y/N: "Fifteen actually."

They show shock.

Yang: "How the heck you even get in?"

Y/N: "Ozpin himself let me in early."

Yang: "Impressive."

Ruby: "No kidding. He must see something in you."

Y/N: "I don't think he'd let me join if he didn't."

The doors open allowing us to exit. I marvel at the scope of Beacon smiling.

Y/N: "So it begins. My journey to the top. And all with a single step."

I take a step. But I quickly fall onto my face tripping over something.

Y/N: "Ow."

I rub my head when I'm met with a voice.

Voice: "Watch where you're going."

I turn seeing a girl in white. 

Y/N: "It was an accident."

White: "That's no excuse. This' highly sensitive dust. Mined and purified straight from the Schnee Dust Mine. If agitated then you could've blown us sky high."

I get to my feet. 

Y/N: "Listen Miss..."

Weiss: "Weiss Schnee."

Y/N: "Weiss Schnee. I would never do anything to blow people up. I just wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I promise it won't ever happen again."

Weiss: "It better not. Because if it does, I-"

Voice: "Lay off him."

A girl in black makes herself known.

Weiss: "And you are?"

Black: "Someone who won't let you berate a kid over a simple accident."

They engage in a stare down. Weiss sighs grabbing her stuff.

Weiss: "Just try to be more careful next time okay?"

I nod while she walks away. When she leaves I look at black.

Y/N: "Thank you."

She smiles.

Black: "No problem."

She then gets closer.

Black: "Just try to stay out of trouble okay?"

My cheeks heat up turning red.

Y/N: "Yes mam."

I turn away to hide my redness. She giggles which only makes it worse.

Black: "You got a name?"

Y/N: "Y/N. Y/N L/N."

Blake: "I'm Blake. Blake Belladonna."

She begins walking away.

Blake: "See you around Y/N."

She finally leaves allowing my redness to cease.

Voice: "Looks like someone's got a way with the ladies."

I turn seeing a blond haired boy.

Y/N: "What're talking about?"

Boy: "Nothing."

He walks to me holding out his hand.

Boy: "I'm Jaune Arc."

I shake his hand.

Y/N: "Y/N L/N."

We break the handshake.

Y/N: "So... where exactly are we supposed to go?"

Jaune: "Follow me."

I walk with him. Along the way we talk.

Jaune: "So you were personally picked by Ozpin after you stopped a robbery?"

Y/N: "Pretty much."

Jaune: "You're lucky."

Y/N: "Doesn't seem that way sometimes."

Jaune: "How so?"

Y/N: "Imagine not having neither a semblance nor an aura. Really makes you feel like a outcast."

Jaune: "I know what you mean."

Y/N: "You an outcast too?"

Jaune: "Sorta. Everyone said I didn't have potential. Said I'd never make it in this world. But I proved them wrong by training like crazy and acing my entrance exam with flying colors."

I smile.

Y/N: "Then to us. The outcasts."

We bump fists.

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