Entrance Speech

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After a couple more minutes of walking we arrive at an auditorium. Entering we see all the other students. I turn to Jaune.

Y/N: "Thanks for your help Jaune."

Jaune: "No worries. Be seeing you around."

We part ways. Looking forward I see Ozpin walking to a microphone.

Ozpin: "Greetings. I'll try to keep this as brief as I can. All of you have come a long way to get here. To hone and acquire new skills. Once finished you plan to use those skills to keep the people of this world safe. But looking at you I only see wasted potential in need of guidance, purpose. You assume the knowledge gained here will free you from the burden of expectation. But it won't. You'll quickly find out that knowledge will only carry so far."

He walks away only to be replaced with a blonde haired woman with glasses.

Blonde: "Tonight you'll sleep in the ballroom. Get plenty of rest for tomorrow shall be your initiation. You're dismissed."

That night I disrobe to my boxers laying down. But a commotion fills the air. I sit up seeing Ruby trying to snatch something from Yang. I walk to them.

Y/N: "What's with all the ruckus?"

Yang: "Ruby's writing about a crush."

Ruby: "It's not a crush!!"

Yang: "You don't have to be embarrassed baby sis. Your secret's safe with me."

Ruby: "That's a lie and you know it!!"

Yang laughs. With her distracted I snatch Ruby's notebook holding it out.

Y/N: "Here."

She smiles taking it back. But for some reason her face explodes red.

Yang: "You okay sis?"

She looks with her face similarly bursting red. She then develops a creepy smile.

Yang: "For a half pint, you're not half bad looking."

She scoots too close.

Yang: "Tell me, you got yourself a girlfriend?"

I become nervous.

Y/N: "N-no."

Her smile widens. But her head is smacked by Ruby.

Ruby: "Down Yang. You're making him uncomfortable."

Speaker: "Lights out."

Heading off to bed I awake to a bright sun. I open my locker withdrawing my stuff. Now equipped I flip up my jacket collar and close my locker. But that's when I hear a familiar voice.

Weiss: "This is Pyrrha Nikos."

I look to in fact see her. I walk over.

Weiss: "Now do you still think you're in a position to recruit a person of her caliber?"

Y/N: "I'd say he is."

They all look at me.

Weiss: "And pray tell why you think so."

Y/N: "Well, we're all in the same boat right? Kids tryna prove we've got what it takes to make it in this world."

Looking at Pyrrha she looks to side. She also smiles with red consuming her cheeks.

Speaker: "All first years please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation."

Y/N: "Well that's our cue. Good luck guys."

I make my way to where we're supposed to be. Getting there I see Ozpin and that blonde from yesterday.

Ozpin: "All your lives you've trained tirelessly. And today all of that training will be put to the test."

Blonde: "In case some of you may be confused by the rumors on teammates, allow me to end it. They're true. You'll be given teammates. And you'll be given them, today."

Ozpin: "The first person you see after landing shall be your teammate. When you have one, head to the north end of the forest to get a relic. After that you both are to bring it back here so that you may receive a grade. Are these rules clear?"

We all nod our head.

Ozpin: "Good. Let's begin."

I'm the first to be launched. I scream in joy as I soar through the air.

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