Adrian's expression falters for a moment, as if processing the new information. "Is it far from here?" he asks, hoping that it won't be too much of a detour.

Lexi pauses, considering her response. "Yeah, it's a little bit of a drive," she admits, her tone laced with a playful tease. "Do you still want to go?"

Adrian nods eagerly, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Yeah."

A wave of realization washes over her. He is going to see her house-her private house. They will be alone. The thought sends a tingle of nervous excitement down her spine.

As they walk towards Adrian's car, he quickly reaches out to Chris, ensuring that their bikes are in good hands for the time being. Meanwhile, Lexi swiftly makes arrangements for a driver to collect her bike and safely transport it to her house, ensuring that everything is taken care of.

As they settle into the car, Lexi feels a mixture of excitement and nervous. She steals a glance at Adrian, who sits behind the steering wheel with a calm and focused expression. The space between them feels charged, the air thick with unspoken emotions.

The engine hums to life, and the car glides smoothly onto the road. She watches the passing scenery, her mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts. This car ride feels different it's a private moment, just the two of them.

The soft music playing in the background adds a touch of intimacy to the atmosphere. Lexi finds solace in the melodies, a familiar companion that provides a sense of comfort amidst the newfound tension. She steals occasional glances at Adrian, admiring the way his hands confidently maneuver the steering wheel, his focus unwavering.

The silence between them is both comforting and charged with anticipation. She feels a magnetic pull towards him, her heart beating a little faster with every passing moment. She wonders if he feels the same way, if he too is caught in the current of unspoken desires.

She finds herself yearning to break the silence, to bridge the gap between them. But she hesitates, uncertain of how to broach the topic that hangs in the air. The weight of their unspoken feelings seems both thrilling and daunting, creating a delicate balance that she fears may shatter if approached too hastily.

They arrive at Lexi's house, and she takes the lead, guiding Adrian towards the entrance. Opening the door, she invites him into her beautiful home. Stepping into the living room, Adrian's eyes wander around, taking in the sights and atmosphere of her home.

"This is exactly how I expected your house to be," Adrian comments, his voice filled with admiration.

Lexi, pleased with his response, offers him a choice of refreshments. "Would you like water or soda?" she asks.

"Water," Adrian replies, settling into a comfortable seat as he eagerly awaits the cold drink. Lexi disappears into the kitchen, returning moments later with a glass of water, which Adrian gratefully accepts and drinks in one satisfying gulp, feeling refreshed.

"It's in the garage," Lexi informs Adrian, leading him away from the living room.

Curiosity piqued, Adrian follows her to the garage and is taken aback by what he sees. His eyes land on a car that bears a striking resemblance to his own.

"You were right, it's the same model," he remarks, a mixture of surprise and amusement in his voice.

Lexi nods, explaining, "I drive them occasionally, but I'm planning to sell them to my parents since I mostly ride my bike."

Adrian's gaze shifts to two superbikes parked nearby, and he remains fixated on them.

Lexi points to a vibrant red one and shares a fond memory, "That was my first superbike. I made sure everyone at university knew I had it."

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