Chapter Twelve.

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~Lexi's House & Yuki's Gift.~

"What did you say to him?" Mike rushes over to Max, regretting leaving him alone with Adrian. He senses that his brother has said something unpleasant to Adrian.

"I told him what he needed to know about Lexi," Max replies, his tone reflecting a hint of satisfaction.

"Just because she rejected you, doesn't mean you should reveal personal information about her to Adrian. It's important to respect her decision and keep it private. But knowing you, I doubt you'll listen to me. Let me make one thing clear: this is Adrian we're talking about. Don't provoke him again. I'll make sure you never have a chance to talk to him. Both of them don't need this in their lives," Mike confronts Max, determined to protect Adrian and Lexi from any further harm.

"Yeah, yeah," Max mocks Mike, showing his lack of concern.

"I need another drink, a stronger one this time," Max states defiantly.

"No," Mike insists, signaling Max to stay seated.

"Then I'll get it for myself," Max declares, standing up and refilling his glass before leaving the scene.

Chris returns to find Mike as the only person remaining. Though hesitant at first, he decides to sit next to him, understanding that Adrian needs his space and searching for him wouldn't be productive at the moment. They both sit in silence, each engrossed in their own phone, unsure of what to talk about.

Walking with anger still simmering within him, Adrian contemplates getting a drink. However, he restrains himself because he knows Lexi isn't drinking either.

Lost in thought, he snaps back to reality when a group of girls approaches him, asking if he'd like to take a picture with them. Adrian agrees, putting on a polite smile as they take numerous pictures together, posing next to their bikes.

Lexi exits the lounge after being engaged in a conversation with her friend. As she steps outside, she spots Adrian surrounded by the newbies, taking pictures. A smile forms on her face as she admires him from a distance, but she notices that he appears uncomfortable. Their eyes meet briefly, and Adrian quickly makes his way towards her.

Lexi gazes at Adrian, concern evident in her voice as she asks, "What's wrong?

"Mark said something, didn't he?" Lexi cautiously inquires, aware of Adrian's anger and hesitant to dig deeper into the matter.

Adrian nods, acknowledging the impact of Max's words. Lexi, understanding the gravity of the situation, admits that she is afraid to ask about the specifics, fearing it might worsen Adrian's anger.

"Just forget about him and whatever he said. Don't take him seriously," Lexi advises, hoping to alleviate Adrian's distress.

Adrian's expression changes as he accepts her advice. However, the darkening sky prompts Lexi to express her desire to leave, knowing that staying longer may only make things worse.

"The only thing that can make the day better is if you finally give me what Yuki gave you. I'm still curious," Adrian confesses, abruptly changing the subject.

Lexi agrees, acknowledging the randomness of the request.

She laughs softly, shaking her head. "I know, it's been on your mind, hasn't it?" Lexi replies, her smile widening. "Well, I want to give it to you right now."

Adrian's face lights up with anticipation.

"But," Lexi interjects, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "it's at my house."

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