Chapter Ten.

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~The Gala Pt.2~

As Adrian's gaze falls upon Lexi taking the dance floor with her mother, a mixture of awe and admiration washes over him. The dimmed lights and spotlight accentuate her radiant presence, making her the center of attention in the room. He watches intently as her graceful movements and infectious smile draw everyone's gaze, captivated by her elegance and natural charm.

Adrian's heart swells with pride as he witnesses Lexi's seamless dance, her every step and twirl reflecting her vibrant spirit and zest for life.

Her happiness is contagious, and Adrian finds himself smiling, unable to tear his eyes away from her.

The guests watch in awe as Lexi and her mother effortlessly glide across the dance floor, their dance a seamless blend of tradition and modernity. Each step, each gesture, tells a story of love, connection, and celebration. Their laughter echoes through the room, enveloping everyone in a sense of warmth and merriment.

As the music reaches its crescendo, Lexi and her mother share a tender embrace, their eyes shining with pride and love. Applause erupts, filling the air and hall with a thunderous appreciation for the heartfelt performance. It is a moment of pure magic, a testament to the bond between mother and daughter and the joy of togetherness.

Lexi's father joins them on the dance floor, completing the family trio in a moment of perfect harmony. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, moved by the display of love and unity. The gala continues with renewed energy, as guests take to the dance floor, inspired by the beauty and love that filled the room.

Lexi's breath comes in short, rapid gasps as she makes her way toward Adrian, Ryan, and Emma. The excitement in her eyes is evident, her face beaming with a mix of exhilaration and satisfaction. The crowd around her seems to fade into the background as she approaches her friends, who eagerly await her arrival, their smiles widening as they catch sight,  of her.

"Lexi, that was incredible!" Emma exclaims, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

Lexi's chest rises and falls as she tries to catch her breath, her body still tingling from the adrenaline rush.

"Thank you, Emma! It was mom's idea but it always feels great!"

A blush creeps onto Lexi's cheeks as she modestly brushes off their compliments.

Lexi's gaze sweeps across the room, searching for Adrian amidst the crowd, but he is nowhere to be found. Perplexed, she turns to Ryan, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Ryan, where's Adrian?" she inquires, her voice laced with a mix of confusion and anticipation.

A mischievous smile creeps onto Ryan's face as he meets Lexi's gaze.

"Well, he needed a bit of a breather, so I directed him to the most comfortable spot in this entire house."

Lexi's mind begins to connect the dots, realization dawning on her.

"No, you didn't," she exclaims, a mix of embarrassment and excitement coursing through her veins.

Emma, sensing the intrigue, looks at them with a puzzled expression, silently wondering what they are discussing. Lexi's heart races as she hurriedly ascends the stairs, her steps quick and determined. She reaches her room and hesitates for a moment before gently pushing the door open.

There, standing amidst the familiar surroundings of her room, is Adrian, his eyes fixed on the pictures adorning the wall above her bed. Lexi feels a blush creep onto her cheeks, a mix of apprehension and delight flooding her senses. Adrian turns to face her, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

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