Chapter 13

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"Can we start now?" asked the manager.

"Yes." replied Freen.

Becky saw that Freen comes towards her and confused for Heidi whereabout. Then she asked, "Where Heidi?"

"She at hospital." Freen said in her low voice almost whispering.

"Huh?!" Becky shocked.

"Shh, later we talk about that. Now we have a work to do."

Becky nodded at what Freen said.

She's a bit uncomfortable with Freen while doing the photoshoot but deep in her heart feels happy. She feels her stomach gets a butterflies. She feels weird somehow loves the interaction with Freen.

The moment they posed together according to what the photographer asked them to do it she feels Freen so professional like she has been a model before this. She impressed with the skill Freen have. Never thought that Freen gonna be her partner in this photoshoot. But she owes her an explanation for her involvement in this photoshoot.

Now, the photographer asked them to pose where she needs to make eye contact with Freen. He directs them how to not be awkward to each other. Of course, they look awkward. Becky tries to be professional and try to not think about her feelings or whatever feelings she felt right now.

'Damn it becky, why it's so hard.'

'Calm down. Just a few scenes only.'

"You okay?" Freen asked.

"Y-yes." Becky stuttering.

"We just left a few scenes. If you're not comfortable just tell me." Freen smiled as she said that to Becky.

'No..that smile.'

Becky just nodded.

"Okay, it's a wrap guys!" shouted the photographer.

The shooting done and all when well with the help of Freen who replace Heidi.

"Thank you all for your hard work." said Freen to all the staff.

"Thank you Freen. Much appreciate it." said the manager.

"Not a big deal. I should say thanks to you because give us the chance. Next week, I'll be meeting with your boss. Hope he understands the situation." said Freen.

"I'm sure he understands. Hopefully today shoot gonna be blow up because of you. You look so beautiful in that photo." the manager said and compliment Freen.

"Nah I'm not. I'm just doing my best." Freen smiled.


The next morning.

"Good morning, Nam." said Freen as she walked towards her office room while smiling. Before she enters her office while holding the doorknob, Nam throws her a question.

"Care to explain to me boss?" Nam raised her eyebrows.

"I know. I know."

"And that smile. Looks weird on your face. Explain me that too." Nam said as she pointed to Freen face.

"What?" Freen rolled her eyes to Nam.

"Okay okay. See me in 15 minutes." she continued.

"Thank you boss." replied Nam.

Nam going to Freen's office after 15 minutes as she told.


"Can you sit down first." Freen demand.

Nam sits down at the chair infront of Freen's table. As she waits for the explanation from Freen. She saw Freen take a deep breath before she start to speaks.

"Well, first, Heidi gets into accident yesterday." Freen start.

"What? How? Is she okay?" Nam panicked as she heard that and start to worry about Heidi condition.

"I'm not sure. Tao rushed to the hospital yesterday after getting a call from the hospital. And he's not updating me yet." Freen sighed.

"Okay, later I'll contact him and ask."

"Second, without Heidi I'm afraid they will cancel our contract of this." Freen pointed to the paper in her table. About their contract to launch a new beauty product by used their modelling services.

Nam tries to digest what Freen tried to explain to her. She just listens to it.

"Third, the best solution I've got is 'Me' has to involve in this photoshoot. We cannot postpone it anymore. The date is near, and we don't have much time." she sighed again as she explained it to Nam who look directly at her.

"But can't we explain to them about our situation? It's not like we want this to happen. It's an accident we talk about here. Not just simply excuse we made." Nam finally said something with a bit of frustration.

"No, cannot. I know how Mr. James works."

"Remember our last year contract. We almost lost it because of our small mistake. I don't want that to happen again." Freen said.

Nam sighed. She frowned and looked at Freen.

"So, how you..gonna..handle this Freen?" asked Nam.

"Well, I don't have a choice for now."

"Just follow the flow."

"Okay. Just make sure everything is okay. Well, I hope nothing gonna happen after the meeting later." Nam tried to calm Freen down.

"Yeah, I hope so." finally Freen let a smile.

"Oh yeah. That smile. What's all about it Freen. You...looked weird." Nam said as she confused that Freen smile while came into office this morning.

"What? No. Nothings weird. Can't I smile while getting to office today. Just generous to smile to people today." Freen said awkwardly.

"You know that you can't lie to me Freen." Nam smirked.

"Say who? It's nothing."

"It's someth--" Freen cuts off Nam and said "Don't you have work to do? Call Tao and ask him about Heidi. I think I need to visit her at hospital."

"So now you're being bossy to me huh?" Nam smirk.

"Whatever." Freen replied short.

"Okay whatever you said boss." Nam stood up from the chair and walked toward the door to exit the room. "Don't forget I'm your PA aka your 'Bestfriend'."

"Yeah yeah, noted about that." Freen rolled her eyes.

Nam let a small laughed and exited the room.

"Why she catched that easily." Freen sighed and cupped her face with her both palm.

She leaned her head back at her chair and staring at the ceiling.

"How should I handle this."

"What will Becky says."

"What will people react to this."

"And how should I handle myself."

She let out a big sighed after throws a lot of questions to herself. She hopes everything gonna be fine.

Everything gonna be fine.


Sorry for the late update. Been busy nowadays. But i'll try my best to update if I have a time. 🫶

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