Chapter 10

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Today is the day of WM Agency having a big event. They going to launch the new wear collection collaborate with Velane Fashion. Tao and all his staff that manage this project are busy for preparation at Bangkok Convention Centre. They invite from various brand of company, their sponsored team, and others as a guest for the launching day.

"Irene, is your team done?" Said Tao

"Yes, our part is done. Whenever you are ready you can cue on us. We will be ready on the backstage." Replied Irene to Tao after her team already prepared all the outfit backstage. They need to standby to help model get changes after the collection has been announced.

"Ok nice!"

Then Tao looking for the floor manager to give him a cue to start the today's event. Can see all the guest have been excited and anticipate of the new launching. At the VIP seat where Mr. Anderson and Freen are sitting together with other VIP waiting for the event start.

The Mc start hosting the event and after a few minutes of introduction the Mc got cue from the floor manager to start the runaway. The Mc start announcing the new wear collection one by one. All the model at the backstage is ready to get into the runaway. All the audience looks exciting to the announcement. Mr. Anderson and Freen looking forward to their new model that represent their brand. Freen hopes that the event going to run smoothly.

"Irene, ready in any minutes. Whenever I cue, you guys can start walk from here." Said Tao to Irene and to all the model who standby backstage.

"Ok, in 3..2..1..go"

Tao has signalled to begin and model start walk from the backstage to the stage. All of them looking so beautiful wearing the outfit from Velane fashion. Each of them shows off their outfit in different styles.

After almost 3 hours the event running finally its end. Mr. Anderson goes on stage to give a word or two and thanking to all the audience and sponsor who came and support them. He also thanks to WM agency who collab with Velane and makes this runaway happens to promote his new collection. He also announcing that his new collection will be available at certain physical store at Thailand for now and will import after a few months to overseas. But will be available to be purchase online for worldwide.

All the audience looks happy and looking forward to grabbing the collection as Velane fashion is a famous brand that all people love to buy and getting their collection in every season.

After the end of the event, all model and staff gather at the backstage for cleaning up. Freen and Mr. Anderson came to the backstage to congratulate the team and models on successfully completing the events.


3 months after the launching day.

"Boss, don't forget you have a meeting with the sales and marketing team in this evening." Nam reminds Freen for the meeting that she almost forgot about.

"Ah yes, thanks for the reminder." Replied Freen.

"By the way, did Tao has given you the report that I've requested?" she continued.

"Yes, he gave me this morning. Here the report. Is there anything that I need to prepare for you Freen? Before you go to the meeting later?" Said Nam.

"Uhm, I think that's pretty enough for me." Freen said before she goes back to her room. But then she stopped and ask Nam again.

"By the way, did you see Becky today?"

"Hmm, I think I'm not see her today in the office nor came across with her. Why boss? Do you need to relay something to her?" Asked Nam back to Freen.

"Uh..Nothing. Just asking." Then Freen go back to her room to continue her works.

After 3 months of the launching day, she hasn't seen Becky at the office despite of her busy schedule. Freen also thinks maybe Becky also has busy schedule since their debut as a model. She can see many brands and other fashion company interested looking for WM models to be featured on. WM also getting many invitations for doing a live to sell some beauty products, health care products and many more.

While she browses the report that Tao have finished it, her mind keeps thinking about Becky's whereabout. For 3 months she hasn't seen Becky in the office. Rather than keep thinking of her, Freen try to contact her again this time. She grabs her phone where it places next to her on the table. Freen try send Becky a text message.

      To: BecBec
      - "Hi Becky, how are you? Are you busy with works?"


Then she put back again her phone next to her and stare at her phone while she waits for the reply. She's hoping that Becky will reply to her as soon as possible but thats just hope. Freen knows Becky might be busy because of her schedule after her debut. But her inner self told her that she needs to see Becky.

      'Why I'm hoping like an idiot Freen...'

      'And who are you looking for her...'

      'I'm just nobody to her Freen...'

Freen sigh as she said in her thought. But she still hope that Becky will reply her.

*tingggg* 📱

As she heard her phone notification came up, she rushes take the phone and see it. Surprisingly Becky replies to her.

       From: BecBec
       - "Hi Miss Freen. I've just finished my photoshoot here. Do you need me in the office?"

      To: BecBec
      - "Oh, no no. I'm just saying hello to you. Because haven't seen you in a while. 😊"

      From: BecBec
      - "Ah I see, quite busy for a while with works. Thanks to you who gave us opportunity. 😁"

      To: BecBec
      - "No worries. It's my job to keeps the company's running. By the way, don't forget to drink a lot of water and please take care of yourself Becky. Okay, I don't want to disturb you anymore. Just take care okay."

       From: BecBec
       - "It's okay. You're not disturbing me. I'm just getting home to rest. Thanks again Miss Freen."

      To: BecBec
      - "Just Freen."

     From: BecBec
       - "Opps, sorry! Thanks, Freen. 😁"

"At least I've heard she's okay." Freen talked to herself. She feels relieved that Becky was okay and doing her best at work.

Well at least she's fine...



Sorry for the short chapter 🙏
My brain didn't work at the time i'm writing this. 🫣

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