Chapter 6

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The day of the finalist came and meet each other at WM agency with all the management including Freen. One by one of the finalists arrive and sit in the mini convention hall at the agency. They're all sitting next to each other at the seat that have assigned to them. All of them seems nervous waiting for the introductory session with the CEO of that agency. Some of them try to make a small conversation with each other to get rid the awkwardness before the session start. It's like a pre ice breaking session within them only.

As they are nervous while waiting, after 10 minutes they saw a women come in through the door near the stage that have a nice body figure and also looks gorgeous yet handsomely.

"Hello everyone, good morning." Greeted that woman.

"Good morning." Replied them simultaneously.

"Hi, I am Freen Sarocha Chankimha. I'm the CEO of WM talent agency. First of all, congratulations to all of you because you have been selected to be a model and our finalist for this project."

Freen introduce herself to the finalist and also to all the staff present that day.

"Today we will do some introductory session to you, basically its ice breaking session and will explain in detail about the project what we have been doing now, your contract, your work schedule and so on." She continued.

"This is Tao, one of my staff. He's been managing this project from the start. So, for today session he will be explaining all the details to you what's next step to do." She gestured her hand and pointed it to Tao who are beside her on the stage.

"I don't want to take much time for all of us. So, I will pass this stage to you Tao. You may proceed." She said and gave a green light to Tao to start the session.

Then Freen got off the stage and sat down at the audience seated as she wants to monitor and see the session how it will be going. She crossed her arm near her chest and look direct at the stage while Nam sat next to her. This the time where all the finalist introducing them self to Freen and to other staff. As she sees the session start, she tries to remember all of their name for her easily to recognise later for work related.

There's Heidi, Sulux, Kade, Mind and Becky. After all of them introducing and tell a bit about their self, Tao proceed to the next program for that day. The session ended after 2 hours.

Freen got up back to stage again and said a few words before they ended.

"Thank you so much Tao and team for the great session we have today. I hope all of you have gain some information and can have a great chemistry to work together with others after this session. I believe we have a best team this year and have a great teamwork. I can foresee some good reputation for WM and being succeed in this project."

"For all of you, please don't hesitate to ask me or my staff regarding your contract or works related. And feel free to came here at the office as you're already officially our new recruit model for 2023." — Freen continue before they ended the program.

"Well, then I think that's all for today session. Everyone can dismiss and welcome to our humble agency." Freen ended the session by welcoming them to their new office. Such a heart warming moment for them to work with WM. They seem happy to look further in their future with the hands of beauty CEO from WM.

"Thank you, Miss Sarocha." — Said Tao

"Thank you, Miss." — Said all of the model then bowed to Freen.

As Freen walk down the stage, she gratitude shake hands with the model and welcome them as like welcoming them into the family.

The figure of the CEO became faded as she exits the hall after the program ended. Becky looks at the CEO walk out from the hall with her confusion looks she puts on her face.

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