Big baby

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"Babe it's just a shot" you shake your head after the doctor walks out of the room, leaving you and your boyfriend Jimmy with each other as he squeezes his hands. You run his arm as he sighs "Man I hate needles" you massage his arms and shoulders as you wait until you hear a knock, the nurse comes in with the tray as you make jimmy drink from his water bottle to help calm him down as the nurse preps and wipes his arm which makes him stiffen up "Baby look at me relax your body" you rub his neck as the nurse finishes preparing, giving him a little bit more to calm down "You are a big baby you know" he looks at you offended which makes you laugh as you take a picture of his face, sending the picture to his brother jimmy with the caption "Stated the truth and this is his face after" he shakes his head as he grabs your hand. He groans as the shot goes in his arms but you make sure to roughly rub his shoulder to make his body relax until the shot is done and has the bandaid on his arm, you all leave and grab food after, you eat after getting home hearing your phone ring, you smile and answer a facetime from jey who smiles at you as jimmy walks behind "Well looks like I'm right about me being the stronger brother" he raises his brows until jey starts making jokes about needles and shots making you laugh and you laugh even more at a meme he sends you, "You recorded it?! You sent it to him" you and jey are both on the ground holding your phone as you both laugh and cry on the floor while jimmy yells "What the hell?! That was our secret!" you send a meme back which makes you both laugh even more "Not no more bro, definitely sending this to Naomi and Solo" jimmy groans in his hands as you both laugh, having a laughing solo and giggling naomi join the call as jimmy hides under the blanket on the couch in embarrassment.

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