My wife

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You and Chyna share a kiss before getting out of the car, holding hands as you walk in together seeing Rikishi who had been a long time friend of the both of you and was one of the three people other than your family who knew about the engagement and was at your wedding a few days ago. He hugs both of you and congratulates you both as Eddie walks up, "Hey amores, how was Puerto Rico?" you hug eddie as you both tell him and rikishi of your beautiful honeymoon in puerto Rico, having the most wonderful time together on the beach and walking to help her get ready for her match against Ivory, hearing a knock on the door as you wait to go out to the ring together, smiling when you see Rey Mysterio with his son Dominik in his arms reaching for you "Hi Dom! Just as handsome as you were in your suit!" chyna smiles behind you watching you tickle and attack the two and a half year old while rey recorded it on his camera. You walk out to the ring together and give her a kiss before she climbs in the ring, staying ringside and loudly cheering for her for all of the match even distracting the ref so eddie can knock ivory down so chyna can get extra blows in, before you jump off and watch chyna suplex and pin her for the win, running in and kissing her as she lifts you in her arms making the crowd cheer even more, knowing how much fans loved the two of you together even before you got together they always cheered when the two of you would join up for tag team matches and always being the other's half knowing what the other was going to do and following with something powerful as well. You go to catering and grab food and a drink chatting with Lita while chyna was being interviewed, watching on the tv in her locker room as she is still on her cloud of high from winning and calming from adrenaline "I'm just so thankful for all the people around me that have supported me and got me to this point, my family, friends, but most of all and especially my beautiful, special, and loving wife" you spit your drink in the trash can, some coming out of your nose as lita goes into a coughing fit "You're married?!" you nod just as The Rock runs in and grabs you hugging you tightly "Oh my god congratulations my apple pie" you laugh at the nickname as Torrie along with Mick Foley, Chavo Jr, Dusty Rhodes, and ivory at the doorway with many different looks of surprise and happiness on their faces as your hugged by lita and eddie sees everyone with rey, chyna, and rikishi next to him. They walk through and you smile as you embrace chyna and share a kiss, raising your interlocked hands up and showing your wedding rings to them, yours a beautiful yellow and hers a ruby red as the girls look closely and each of you are hugged by the group as they all say many congratulations "I still cannot believe y'all are married now" you laugh at a smiling chavo, rubbing the top of his head which makes him grumble before kissing your and Chyna's cheeks as dom runs in and hugs your left leg and chyna's right making you both giggle as you both hold and share affection for the little boy "I love you auntie Y/n and auntie chy" you kiss his head after chyna throws him in the air and catches him as you smile at the family and the feeling of love in the room.

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