Enough for me

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You walked in seeing Rhea sitting on the bed turned away from you wiping tears off her face making you stop "Baby you okay?" she jumps before realizing it was you showing a small smile rubbing her arms. You walk to her moving her hair away and wiping her face "What's wrong honey?" she looks at you with her arms over her stomach as you rub her upper arm waiting for her to talk as she sighs shakily moving her arms away from her stretched out making your heart stop and break seeing the old and faded scars of different lengths and colors on her wrists looking at her holding her face "Oh darling these will never change anything about you to me". You slowly ran your fingers over the scars as she holds her breath watching you trace each one before leaning down kissing her palm then slowly kissing each scar on her arms looking in her eyes after kissing the last one you gently smile caressing her cheek "You don't have to tell me about these until you're ready" she nods hugging you as she cries. "Those aren't the only ones I have" you feel tears burn in the back of your eyes as she turns away from you taking her pants off sighing turning back to you seeing the scars on her thighs leaning in front of her tracing each and kissing them until you finished kissing up her stomach taking her shirt off and continuing up until you lightly and caringly kissed her lips as you move and straddle her on the bed. You lay there just holding each other until you went and showered together laying down in bed "I love you no matter what and you are enough for me sweetheart" she tears up as you kiss her forehead "I love you too babe" you fall asleep as she watches you with a sweet and emotional smile on her face knowing that she had the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with right next to her.

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