Beach night dance

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You laugh and smile as you run to the beach in front of the airbnb the five of you are staying in for the next 5 weeks. You have been with Rhea for 12 months now becoming a member of the small family being like a little sister to all three of the boys especially Dom, always being carried on his back when you weren't right next to rhea being called Ninera by him and Damian who absolutely will harm anyone who hurts you in anyway just like he would for rhea and Finn always ready to step in if anyone was willing to harm you in anyway even during a match. The five of you spent the day resting from the jet lag and enjoying the rest of the day out on the boardwalk eating dinner at a restaurant not too far from the house you were staying in going back deciding to enjoy the freedom of the beach at night being careful when you went swimming in the water staying close to rhea and dom having a great time until the boys decided to go back in finn going to sleep in his room, damian getting a glass of orange juice and eating a sandwich while dom watched tv and talking to damian. You and rhea stayed on the beach lighting a tikki lamp that was around the house enjoying the moonlight over the ocean as rhea gently pulled you to her holding you "What are you doing?" you wrap your arms around his shoulders while her hands are on your hips slowly swaying listening to the sound of the waves as you turn and dance slowly on the beach not noticing how dom stops smiling at the two of you dancing telling a half asleep finn and a distracted damian over putting his finger to his mouth pointing out the window. They all smile big and sweetly as you and rhea sway on the beach in your own world just the two of you sharing a tender and affectionate kiss as the three quietly cheer high fiving and laughing as the two of you quickly running and swearing when they see the two of you walking to the house pretending to watch tv and eat "Damn what did you guys find that's so intriguing" they shrug as you both go upstairs chuckling "Well they'll be mad when they find out but at least we have more memories of it than our brains and eyes" dom holds his phone with a picture of the two of you sway and kissing making the other two laugh in disbelief as the two of you go to bed.

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