Car nap

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You smile getting in Rhea's car next to Damian with Dom in the passenger seat in front of you and Finn behind you and damian while rhea turns up the music. You all sing and dance to the music playing in the car from Hotel room service and Feel good inc to Amor Prohibido and Hypnotize going and eating lunch in a spot you and rhea found awhile back enjoying how nice and calm the day was. You felt yourself grow tired as time went on listening to finn try to speak Spanish making you all laugh how it mixed with his accent, damian looking at his phone, dom shimming to music on the radio, you laughing at dom's jokes in between his dances, and rhea tapping her fingers to the beat of the music as you grow more and more drowsy swaying as your eyes close and open before closing completely falling asleep seeing dom and rhea laughing at finn stubbing his toe on your seat. Damian feels something on his shoulder looking to see you leaned over asleep gently moving your head to lay in his lap readjusting your seat belt as dom turns to talk to finn smiling when he sees you asleep in damian's lap as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear taking a picture as finn notices quietly talking to dom and rhea as the car ride continues until you all reach damian's house to hang out the rest of the day the other three smiling watching damian carry you inside his home sitting you on the couch across from them while they talk deciding what to watch on tv. You woke up later to see them watching forensic files while you had a blanket over you "Hey you're awake" you look up to see dom handing you a drink and food rhea made not too long ago thanking him as you ate and got awake "How long was I out? I'm sorry guys" they each shake their heads telling you not to worry about it "Only 2 hours hon it's okay"  you shake your head smiling as you all hang out damian sitting next to you whispering "You fell asleep in my arms it was kind of adorable" you laugh as he grabs and tickling you making you scream and laugh begging for help as dom joins in gaining help from rhea who lifted you up. You all hung out until late that night staying with damian while everyone else went back to their hotels enjoying the quiet with just the two of you "I love you" you smile sweetly at the words letting him grab your chin and pull you in a kiss eventually falling asleep in his room after small moments telling each other I love you.

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