"Not when I got you...Maybe we could...?" Bruce shows Megan the mistletoe.

"I see where you're going with this."

Before the two could do it quietly, Bruce then finds himself in the arms of a shadowy female figure who – seizing him by his necktie – plants a big one right on his kisser. The girls then meet up with Bruce again for Megan lost the person.

"Okay...?" Bruce was lost.

"Hmm...I know. What was that all about?" Megan asks him. "(Not much of a kisser to do it on the cheek bone.)"

Finding himself completely discombobulated as to what exactly just transpired, Bruce makes his way outside with the intent to head home. For Megan to see him get back home safety. Just then, someone offers Bruce a ride home.

"May we drive you back. Mr. Wayne?" said the mysterious voice.

"No thanks." he answers back. "I have my own car."

One woman talks for the other one sounded familiar to both Megan and Bruce.

"Oh, but we insist!"

On his way to his car, however, he's intercepted by Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, with a look on his face like he cannot resist their every command no matter how hard he tries. Megan had trouble pulling Bruce away from the car to see her two enemies.

"Bruce? What's wrong? Bruce?" she sees Ivy and Harley. "You two!"

"Season's greetings, Brucey." said Ivy. "Your two favorite party girls are out for some Christmas fun."

They pull Bruce to go into the car to drive off for Megan tries to save him.

"Hey! Give him back-!"

But she gets whack and falls right into the snow and takes off for Harley to use her boxing glove to punch her away from her so call friend 'so they think'.

"Sorry, Megs, but no pests allowed!" she said. "Bye-Bye."

Now Megan uses her watch to get her car to try saving Bruce's life, with some gear to bring along to get her boyfriend out of the Batman outfit.

"(Hold on, Bruce, I'll save you to get Batman to come out and play. And with me after...Still, this one Christmas I want to happen this year. And that's stopping villains.)" she follows the car.

While in the car, Harley kindly reveals exactly what happened: Poison Ivy used a special lipstick laced with a chemical to infect Bruce, via the kiss. They also boldly pronounce that they intend to have a night on the town at Mr. Wayne's expense. The girls shop endlessly buying clothes and jewels, all the while Bruce begrudgingly (yet uncontrollably) puts it all on his credit cards. Finally, Bruce begins building up a will as the chemical's potency begins to wane. Vocalizing his discontent, the girls decide it's time for another dose; backing away from Harley's approach, however, Bruce falls down a conveniently placed 'out of order' open elevator shaft.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" Harley panics to calming down after that. "We-we killed him...Oh, well."

"We were going to do it anyway." said Ivy.

The two leave the area to continue with their holiday shopping.

"We got his credit cards; what's to worry?"

Believing the slip to be his last, Harley and Ivy leave Bruce for dead, yet as they turn their backs and walk away, a portentous hand reaches out of the abyss and grips the edge of the floor. Well, Megan uses her ribbon to save him and pulls Bruce back up top.

"I got you, Bruce...!" she pulls him up. "Here, you might want to get dress into this." Megan hands Bruce his Batman suit.

"Thank you, Megan."

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