ch 6: im a f**king maid ;)

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'hmmmm, since I'm going to be a maid, I need, of course a maid outfit duhhh' what never seen a guy in a maid dress well I only believe in you can wear whatever you want as long as you look good in it so suck it.

'hmmmm, since I'm going to be a maid, I need, of course a maid outfit duhhh' what never seen a guy in a maid dress well I only believe in you can wear whatever you want as long as you look good in it so suck it

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'oohhh, bitchh, I look goodt, and that's with a t' I said in my mind because I certainly look amazing. It's like Star will just want to lick my feet on how good I look.

anyways I went in the village and go to where rimuru is currently at I timed my arrival to when he's going around town cause this guy looooveeees to go round the town soooo here we are now 'ooooohhh I see himmm'

I approached him with my most stoic face I could do and approached him and said, "Good day, Rimuru sama. Please accept me as your maid." I said to him, and he looked at me weirdly.

rimuru pov*
'ehhhhhh, who's this beauty that's perfect in everyday but certainly lacks the oppai tha-

[ individual is a boy] Great sage told me which shock me 'THERE ARE OTHER TRAP THAN ME!!!!' I felt happy hearing I'm not the only one suffering sniff**
but wait, did he say maid? I'm not sure about that 
I was about to tell him no when great sage cuts me off and said [we should accept her as a maid]
and as a hood student, I am to great sage sensei I quickly agree and so I said "okay you're hired" hmmm feels like someone manipulated me but oh well!

evren pov*
'This bitch is literally as dumb as hell' and as for you dumb hoes who didn't grasp what happened allow this great beautiful perfect me explain so I knew great sage would agree because who doesn't want a strong maid for there master but of course a little manipulate here and there would do the trick for it to not question this great me.

As for Rimuru, I didn't do a thing to him his just that trusting to others. The one I manipulate is the skill, not him, but oh well.
his dumbness really is something. I really wonder how he became so powerful, huh... Guess only time could tell.

timeskip** (brought to you by ny beauty)

So I officially became a maid for rimuru sama, so let me tell you what's happening right now.

As you see, as of right now, nothing significant is happening, so I was just cleaning here and there snooping around stealing some gold and hearing some goblins have se--- okay too oversharing over there sorry about that.

After cleaning this dirty ass mansion I quickly went to rimuru sama's side with shion, the brain that goes to her big ass oppai ofcourse at first, she didn't like me, probably threaten by my beauty sigh* who wouldn't be threaten by my beauty... soooo back to the story right now. I'm a responsible maid, yupp you heard that right, responsible in Spanish RESPONSABLE

"ohhh, look at that. I have to get going, rimuru sama. I have to cook some dishes for you !!" Shion said happily while leaving, so rimuru sama and I were left.
"I'm bored." rimuru said, and he quickly said "hey evren kung, I'm leaving for a while" which I replied with what a responsible maid should "but rimuru sama you are not allowed to go out until you finish your paperwork" I said with fake worry that can be seen by anyone as I have a stoic face

"I'll give you 10 tons of gold." In which I replied quickly "ohh where could rimuru sama be? I can't seem to find him. Oh well, " while giving him a thumbs up, yeahhhhh, what don't  judge me? I need a product for my beauty.

and rimuru is off to go play again

TENSURA: Primodial foxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora