ch 15: after war

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Evren pov*

After the so-called "war," everyone is eating right now, trying different types of Japanese food.

"yummmm Rimuru, you should definitely sell this," I said while stuffing sushi in my face.

And Rimuru just ignored me like bitch the acidity of this bitch.

Well, anyway, after all that shit it is time for me to go to sleep. YAY!!!

tik tilaok***

"Yawn*** GOODU MORNINGGGG~~"  is shouted loudly that the whole tempest heard my voice.

After that, I quickly got up and took a shower. Did my skin care routine and brushed my hair 100 times.

"Hey Rimuru chan how you doin~~~" I shouted energetically while going to rimuru and he just looked at me like I'm some crazy bitch.

I just ignored his look at me cause I'm too beautiful to handle that shit "Soo what's the plan for the tournament!!" I asked him, and he just sighed at me.

'I don't know if this guy is just a show off or this bitch is just retarded as hell' I thought while judging Rimuru since slime can't get drunk.

Well, after all that shit I just left Tempest since I can't handle Rimurus look cause I was just a seconds away from obliterating the bitch into nothingness.

I quickly flew and tried to explore the wonders of the WORLD!! AND.LET.ME.TELL.YOU

so when I went exploring, I thought,'HEY, I've never gone under water before maybe they're something there', and so I dive into the water and explore it.

And the things I saw there was AMAZING~~. There was a megalodon like big, big, big ass shark even Kraken was there.


But it was a little but disappointing since you know this is not earth and this may just be a random city that went bye bye to the world.

Meh, who cares as long as you find something? You did something.

After killing some wannabe, Ariel here and there under the water, I found BIKINI BOTTOM!!!

Bitch I saw krusty crab and I was like oohhhh gonna want those burgers!!

So I made myself shrunk and made myself look like the most beautiful fish you could see.

And I lined up, and I saw SQUIDWARD!!  but let me tell you the line the line was sooo long like it was very long.

But when it was my turn, I said, " Hi, can I get a burger?" wink wink* and his uniquely structural face went tomato,kushina hair shade if red.

Well after that I sat and ate the burger. 'Now let's taste the so-called greatest burger,' I thought before I bite into it, and I was a but disappointed honestly.

'Seems like the theory is true where crab IS the secret ingredient, but hey, no judging' and I left Bikini bottom.

"Well, that was fun I guess?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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