ch 14: war

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'Hmmm, fake war isn't my thing,' I thought to myself while looking at the monsters and human fighting below me.

Meh, not my business anyway, but can't i just do what i want? Why don't I just kill yuuki myself?

Yeahh I think I'll kill yuuki. Yoshhh, we have a plan. hehehehehe

And so I flew away and got to where yuuki was and talked to him for a minute before I killed him, and as for talk here, how's it go.

"Hi yuuki~~" I greeted the boy sitting in his chair

He was startled when he saw me but quickly regained composure. " What can I do for you? " he asked me.

" Well, you could die for me," I said bluntly, and when he heard that, he turned serious and got ready to attack me.

And I just shifted reality, and he was beaten up to death, but I revived him like no one's business.

The reason I revived him is to torture him, of course. Hmmm, how will I torture him? Ahh, I know!!

I summoned a portal and yeeted him out, but first, I removed all his powers so he can't get out.

And as for where I throw him well let's just say he will have a good time at the "goblins cave" MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ahem*

Now that's taken care of no more bastard I guess everyone can leave happily ever after.....NOT!!

Why you ask because that will be boring so instead I will fucked everything and be the master from behind the scenes and no one will know HAHAGAHAHAHA


'Hmmm since I've decide that already what should I do first?' Well nothing really interesting will happen before the tournament and the labyrinth so I guess  I should kill some people first? yeah, let's do that.

I quickly teleported to a town full of human and massacre them. Why? cause I'm bored.

I used my weapon this time since its been a long time since I've used it

weapon here*

now that's done, I think I'll go back to Tempest and see what's up.

When I flew to tempest, I encountered different types of dragon and even a phoenix.

Well, I quickly killed them with one slash. "Maybe I should be called one slash man," I muttered while flying.

When I returned to Tempest, the war was over except for himata and rimuru.

I quickly whipped out some popcorn and watched like it was no one's god damn business.

And then they fought 'seriously this will be so much fun if death was in it, but noooo, Rimuru just had to be nice and all that could've just massacre everyone'

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