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"WE'RE FINALLY HERE, EH." said Colonel Moran.

(Name), Josephine, Louis, William, Moran and Fred were all at King's Cross Station in London after taking the train from Durham.

Earlier, (name) and William had both been informed of a royal scientific society conference in London and were invited by Albert. Unknown to (name), there were ulterior motives for this.

Recently she had been juggling various different responsibilities. First, she had her own little scheme organised, for her personal motivations. Second, she had to act as William's loving wife in public which was a lot more difficult than it should be recently. And along with all that, she had to help her uncle manage his marquisate, she had been working and taking direct orders from both (home country) and her parents, the Grand Duke and Duchess. And finally, she was struggling with the issue of providing an heir. (Name) would need to find some way to explain her lack of offspring whilst maintaining her image and facade.

The recent illness of her father had alarmed her even if he was in better health now. If anything would cause (name) to need to inherit her father's title, she would need to return to (home country) and force William along with her then produce an heir immediately to secure her position. That wasn't exactly something that appealed to her.

Going to this conference would be a temporary break from all these responsibilities and all the stress she was under recently, and she would have been grateful for that if she actually went to the conference. Unfortunately her plans didn't unfold as she wished.

"Are you sure you're alright, Mr Moran?" William asked with concern to the former soldier "You did drink through the entire trip.."

"Really? I though he naturally just acted like a drunkard?" Josephine remarked. (Name) bit the inside of her cheek to prevent her from laughing too hard. She had certainly been taking after her mistress.

"Oi! Watch it, brat!" Moran yelled at the brunette who stuck her tongue out at him and went away with Fred  "If I'm gonna be working with Albert, I'm gonna need some alcohol in my system."

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