Chapter 2

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Notes for chapter 2: I just want to say, I do love the original Arthurian material and legends, and as such, many story points from that will be evident in my work. Clearly there can't be all of them, as this story holds no room for a Guinevere, so she can't cheat on Arthur, who never even existed as a real person in this story, etc, but even the main conflict of this story is inspired by the actual legends. And, to all reviewers, please, put some content into them! I'm happy to hear you liked my story, but that's not really much of a review! I want to know what you think I'm doing right, what you think I'm doing wrong, and what you think could do to make the things I'm doing right even better! Now, without further ramblings of a drunken idiot (false. I have only had one beer despite turning 22 this year. The idiot part, however, I make no claim against.), on with the story!

A month had passed since the eruption of Dark Hollow from the castle of Camelot. The people of the kingdom had been informed that the hero who had helped so many of them was to be the new ruler of the land, and to celebrate his coronation, a great ball was to be held in his honor. At the king's insistence, the ball was to be open to anyone who lived within his realm.

In addition, a story had been formulated for the common man, to keep everyone involved in the events of a month earlier safe. King Arthur had already been slain before the new king had come to this world. He was replaced by his murderer, a mighty knight of the underworld, who the knight of the wind was summoned to confront. The dark hollow was a contingency plan of his, a gate to the underworld. This would keep Sonic from being a kingslayer, would preserve the memory of a great king, and, to Sonic, most importantly, save the life of a friend. If anyone had known Merlina was the one who unleashed the Dark Hollow, even the king wouldn't be able to protect her from his people's wrath.

Sonic sat in his throne, intent on someday finding the hard earned personal feel of one's own ass groove dug into the cushy seat. The ball was to be held in only a few more days, and he couldn't help feeling a bit self conscious. He'd managed to overlook the fact that, by opening this celebration to the public, he'd practically invited everyone within miles to come and gawk at him. Still, a party was a party, and he wasn't about to sit a party out, especially one held for him. He stared idly at his sword. Excalibur had still not recovered all of its power, and continued with its hibernation.

"Get better soon, buddy…" Sonic set the sword at his side and sat back in the throne. Lancelot entered the throne room quietly.

"A messenger from the court of king Lot of Orkney has come. Will you grant him audience?"

"Sure, send him on in." Sonic leaned forward, interested to hear from another land, while he'd only, in his time in this world, seen the far reaches of Camelot. Lancelot ushered in the messenger, and stood in the throne room as he relayed his king's will.

"His royal highness, king Lot of Orkney, lord of the land and its people, bids the new king of Camelot good tidings, and invites the land's king and court to a tournament, to be held a week and a day after the new king's ball, in honor of his coronation." The young messenger gave his well-rehearsed speech with an amount of drama only those born to royalty might think necessary of an invitation to a tournament. "He sits restlessly in his throne, so eager to see the brave hero of Camelot, that he learn his face, and be his ally. And the tournament shall be held that he might see the strength of such a hero and such a king. Will you come to the tournament, your highness?" Sonic sat there, trying to figure out exactly what was said, between all of the formalities and pleasantries.

"Lancelot, what's going on?" He asked, a bit frustrated.

"Eight days after your ball, King Lot, ally of Camelot, will hold a tournament in your honor, so he can meet you, and he asks you participate in the tournament, so he can take measure of your skill." Sonic nodded happily.

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