Chapter 6

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Goosebumps spread across your body as he wore a miffed dark expression. You inhaled sharply, how did he know where you were? It left a bitter taste in your mouth. Deep down you were really having an obnoxious feeling regarding him.

"You want to settle things right? ~" Minho mused, his eyes were engulfed in flames of Mana making you flinch. He seemed more infuriated than he let on "Let's settle it with a duel. If you win, I'll let you talk. If I win, I'll kill that bastard who intervened "

"It wasn't his fau—"

"After the duel" he snapped.

You furrowed your eyebrows as stress took over. Damn he didn't even say punish, he said kill. You were beginning to feel uncomfortable. Whatever you had been doing so far did nothing to work on his rash decisions but that was besides the point. Your eyes were starting to open up towards the sinister demeanor he held within. Something far more dark which you had only seen in glimpses.

Realising he wasn't ready to listen to you , you finally needed to comply and hence took your position a few feet away. The feeling of melancholy engulfed you once again "Minho I'm need to apologize. I took you too much for granted—"

"This is going to be the last duel " Minho cut you off,speaking in a cold tone "Whatever training session we had been doing will end here "

Suddenly you lost words. For some reason, his words hurted you. Minho was so much umbraged by your actions he was ready to cut off your deal. You nodded begrudgingly in agreement knowing nothing would change even if you argued. His eyes didn't show sympathy anyway...His only flaws in the battle left now were rash decisions... You needed to teach him about that but you were starting to worry there was another side of him which he—

Before you could contemplate over decision, you sensed a sudden powerful flick in atmosphere making you snap your head. There was no noise, no movement. Whatever you had felt was purely a strong wind of power. You darted your eyes around the environment.You had never felt something so peculiar yet malicious before.

Minho retorted bitterly over your lack of attention"If you're going for a duel, I want you to give it your all. This isn't a fluke"

"I think I just sensed something coming from the woods" you tried to convey however Minho didn't seem to listen. He was too stubborn and bitterly spoke it was only one of your tricks to distract his focus. You gritted your teeth in frustration over his harsh comment and threw a power stroke towards him which he dodged in a fraction of seconds. It wasn't something new, after all you had been training him all along.

"Now it's My turn" he muttered as he brought his hands closer and started summoning his energy. So he was using his Main perfected attack huh? You could dodge it if you focused well...

You suddenly snapped in the same direction once again as another flick of energy, this 10 times greater grained your attention and before you could convey to Minho again he had already thrown his quirk your way giving you less time to shield yourself. The attack traveled at the speed of light and shattered your summoned shield to pieces making you fall back with inertia of the force about 8 feet away.

You groaned rubbing off the dust from your elbows which were covered with scrape wounds.

"I told you to focus dammit! " Minho cussed.

"Cut it out! " you yelled "I'm telling you I can sense something strong in the woods! We need to—" you cut yourself off as you bristled on your feet and suddenly impailed, losing words as another wave of energy flashed towards you making turn pale with mouth agape.

"What the hell—? " Finally the raven head could sense your anxiety as you completely ignored him and focused your attention solely on the woods "What are you sensing? "

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