Chapter 1

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It was late when you were walking on your way home, bringing groceries your mother had asked you to. You  carried the heavy bags venturing through the deserted road with nothing more than street lights as a companion at every stop. 

Ugh, I didn't sign up for this. 

You groaned realising even though you were a power holder, you couldn't use your powers in public and had to drag the heavy bags home on your own using the physical strength which you were too lazy to use. Now,  you weren't afraid to use your powers but rather afraid of the outcome of what would happen to you when someone spots you using the power because as far as you knew superheroes always attract attention after they are forced to use their power in public. The Spiderman, Dc and marvel movies were enough to let you know that. 

But thinking about it, you had already done it enough a couple of times from afar. Like saving a kid from getting hit by a truck, preventing the fall of a heavy item on a worker, deliberately making the thieves trip by turning your fingers around, all the normal happenings blah blah blah. You weren't a tad bit interested in being a superhero like spiderman but only did it because if you hadn't prevented it someway or the other it would have affected you. But you made sure to side eye your surroundings every now and then to confirm that you weren't being recorded in a camera or being watched by a person. But as they say... Things do not always go as you like. 

Ever since you saved the boy from the truck, someone mysterious has been following you around. In the beginning  it was only till the school but then it started extending to home going as far as to your grandma's house and sometimes even a picnic. At first you just brushed it off thinking it was nothing to worry about and you could always find out about whoever they were by using your powers and hiding, but things took a turn when even though you tried all the tricks up your sleeves , you never ever got the glimpse of the stalker who had started to take a part in your frustration programme. And you were starting to get worried because if it were just a normal case, you would've hanged them upside down in public to teach them a lesson a long time ago. 

But as you said, it wasn't normal. Either the person was very good at stalking or the person wasn't normal at all. And you pretty much believed the first more than the later or... you believed both. He must be mental

You were a bit at peace knowing that person was not following you at the very moment. But your face distorted into an ugly expression when out of a sudden you saw a hooded figure appear out of nowhere when you took a turn. 

"Name," he spoke pulling down his hood from the head to reveal long jet black hairs up till his shoulders and a handsome face with highly attractive features "I'd like to invite you to a duel"

"Sorry what? "

"I'd like to invite you to a duel"

You wanted to clean your ears to check if you heard it right. First of all, how did he know your name, second of all, you've just met and he was already inviting you out and third of all, what kind of fucking duel was he talking about

"Um... No thank you. Pass. "

You merely rejected his offer and rushed to the side to escape home but before you could even proceed to take a step a hand touched your shoulder and automatically you found yourself transported into an abandoned factory. You gasped, as you lost words being taken off guard entirely. 

Your stalker had superpowers too?! you tried your best to keep a straight face. 

You darted your eyes around the surrounding when he spoke again" I'd like to say it again [Name] ... " he trailed " I'm inviting you to a duel"

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