Chapter 18

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He stands in front of the hall "Dumbledore is now dead, I unfortunately have to tell you all something but don't worry, Dumbledore made me out to be the bad person but I wouldn't dare have this job, if I was so bad as he made it out to be

I am whatever calls as voldemort, the dark lord but all I ever wanted and wish for is equality within the world, equality for blood types, creature types and sexuality plus beliefs and racism as well

I have a male lover, I wish for everyone to want to be with a partner their love not a partner they are forced to love, either through arranged married or someone of gender they are not interested in. As for creature equality for example; werewolves to get jobs and live among us instead of having to live out in the woods where they have to hunt for food, where as with money there will be homes and food on their table. Yeah there are blood banks for vampires but they had to hide that they are vampires because everyone is so afraid of them, that's why there is blood banks because they won't hurt you or feed on you as its against the law. There will be places for werewolves to turn on the full moon where it is safe. And werewolves get hurt, they will have medical attention instead of being imprisoned or turned away, where they could die, sixty five percent of the werewolves population die especially in their human form all because of infection or they get hurt by a normal human witch or wizard or shoot by a muggle all because they didn't chose that life, they were forced or born into it, they can't control their wolf form they have no control over it at all on the full moon, so attacking them should not be a choice but should be legal. As for racism happens every day, Dean Thomas how many times a day has someone day something racist to you?"

Dean- "atleast two times a day, sometimes more"

Tom- "Hermione Granger, how many times a day do people make fun of your blood status?"

Hermione- "they laugh about it atleast a few times a week, I can't help that my family are magical less but my grandparents have magic on both sides of the family"

Tom- "there us see, as for Blaise Zabini how many people pick on you because your opening gay?"

Blaise- "every day"

Tom- "well I can't one hundred change it all but I can atleast try, as I am working with the Ministry and yes they know my true identity"

Harry- I stand "so do I, you might all see me as Harry Potter but I am not, I was born the older half brother of Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape, I am supposed to be in my fourties but as I a Professor here I was kidnapped by Dumbledore and changed into a human, yes I am a vampire and when Ronald Weasley got me killed in the potion accident, it changed me back into my true form, no I wont harm or drink off someone, after all I ain't that type of person, yes I did cause Dumbledore to trip off the tower by making him jump, but come of it was a mistake but drink from another person is illegal plus like I said, I wouldn't do it, gross. Also my true lover is the headmaster here aka more proof as to why I am also on Tom Riddle's side"

Hermione- she stands "well there was a time for a change within the magical world, especially a new leader for once, I think ever though your apparent last actions where wrong, I believe your new ones are great and you will be a good leader for this world"

Tom- "my past actions was because Dumbledore convinced a old stubborn student me, into believing it was the best idea for me to slit my soul for immortality so that I would be a long lasting ruler, which by the way wasn't and don't worry, he didn't dare do it, he said he was thinking about it but chicken out basically but I wanted to prove it was a good idea which it wasn't as all and I regretted it especially the person I became of it. I just wanted to prove to the world they need someone immortal and powerful, yeah power is good but what the world really needs is a good leader that will help and actually make change, and I believe I am the right candidate in helping and will make change within this world, so please vote for me as once my lover is classed as eighteen within his sixteen year old body form, he can then become headmaster if you will have him as I become Minister which the Minister knows, so what do you all say?"

He got all cheers and yeses especially about Harry becoming the headmaster



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