Chapter 5

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I go to the library and sit down.

After a while I feel like someone was watching me

I turn in my seat seeing Hermione sitting abit away from me

I stand walking over towards her "why are you watching me?" I say sitting down next to her

Hermione- she shakes her head "I am doing no such thing"

Harry- "oh come on Hermione the only thing your good at is reading your books and being smart, you are not good at spying on people, now why are you spy on me, when you could have happily come over and sat with me?"

Hermione- she shrugs her shoulder "well since the years started a few days ago, it feels like me, Ron and Ginny aren't welcome to be around you"

Harry- "I just need space, like any normal human Hermione, I don't mean to be mean or offend you lot but sometimes you or all of you are too much, especially Ron, I can't be around him too long, he gets on my nerves. You are either down my throat or telling both me and Ron off all the time, always looking and checking over my home work or whatever I am doing to see if I did well, when I know for sure what I did was right even though you change it. As for Ginny, well she is always trying to flirt with me, practically always trying to sit in my lap, she is too much and should be looking for another as I am not interesting in date, neither male or female, especially not females"

Hermione- she nods "I understand, we can all be too much sometimes, I sometimes like to get away too which is why I am in the library until I noticed you where here, I saw you sit down over there and I was going to come and sit with you but seemed like you needed your space"

Harry- "you know you can do so much more better than Ron, me and Ginny, you know that right?"

Hermione- she sighs "no offence but I know, there's so much at times that is out of my control and is so stressful"

Harry- "you know you don't have to do everything Ron or anyone else says, I have seen him always begging you of stuff all the time, you do it because your in fear of losing a friend or of people, so you continue to hang around. I have seen you looking at a few Ravenclaws that have taken to you in the past, you would rather by there friend. And Hermione?"

Hermione- she nods "yeah Harry"

Harry- "I know what you and the others have been up to because Dumbledore has demanded so, even the books that went missing from me vaults have appeared"

Hermione- her eyes widen "why would you tell me all of this, if you know I would tell Dumbledore"

Harry- "because I know you are better than that, you deserve better, especially better friends, just don't let people control you. I have been letting you lot and Dumbledore control me so long, why do you think I have been myself all the sudden, well you lot will see it as me being different but its because when I came into this world everyone expected me to be like my father, so I became exactly like my father but of course less bullying. I was just sick of it all and decided, enough is enough and became myself, plus I also found the truth about you lot and Dumbledore"

Hermione- she nods "you are so right Harry, I am sorry for using you and everyone else"

Harry- I smile "don't worry Hermione, you are forgiven but you don't have to but stop being friends with Ron and Ginny, they are just going to bring you down, especially when they get in trouble because I am going to make sure what they have done, comes out and I don't want that to happen to you too, get yourself out of it before its even more too late, and I will know and I mean it when I say, if you are invovled still you will fall as well"

Hermione- she nods again "there's a meeting tonight, come, I will show I will disconnect myself from it all"

Harry- I nod "I will be there"

Hermione- she stands giving him a hug before grabbing her books "thank you Harry" knowing this means not only is she losing all her friends but also her brother, Harry



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