Chapter 3

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I get up looking over to Ron "where did you go last night because I woke up and you where gone?"

Neville- "yeah both of you where"

Harry- "I went to go and find him, but gave up and came back"

Ron- "I just couldn't sleep so went for a walk"

Harry- "how did you not get caught"

Ron- "I did by the headmaster but he let me off"

Neville- "good don't want detentions or be in the minus in points for our house"

Harry- "yeah, we want to win it, can't have you losing any can we?"

Ron- he shakes his head "no we cant"

Harry- I go over to my trunk opening it up grabbing my clothes and put my bag with my school stuff in on my bed before closing it.

I saw Ron looking over at me "what are you looking at, nothing but school equipment and books, left majority of everything else at the Dursley's for safe keeping"

Ron- "so no cape or map"

Harry- I shake my head even though am I lying "nope they aren't here they are back at the Dursley's" because they are within my new bracelet that I got which can hold up to twenty objects with inside of it

Ron- "why haven't you brought them?"

Harry- "because I have noticed them going missing a few times and noticed someone kept going into my trunk, which is why I got a new one but knew said person would eventually open it, so left them behind at the Dursley's, don't want the wrong person getting their hands on them now do we?"

Ron- he shakes his head "no I guess not"

Harry- "now I am going to get ready for the day before anyone else asks anymore questions" I say before heading to the bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready.

I exit the bathroom noticing the three their waiting to get ready, I let Neville go in first before heading towards the dorm door feeling someone putting their hand on my should making me tense up

I look over my shoulder as I move it to make his hand drop back down by his side "what do you want Ron?" I know he is probably trying to get me to stay back for him or something

Ron- "aren't you going to wait for me mate?"

Harry- "no I ain't your siblings or your mother now am I?"

Ron- "oh come on mate, I would wait for you"

Seamus- "do you have some feelings for Harry or something because that seems pretty gay"

Ron- he blushes "no, I dont"

Seamus- "that why are you getting him to stay behind when he obviously doesn't and wishes to get food so that he can happily carry on with his day?"

Harry- "yeah Ron, I wish to go to eat so I can carry on with me day. Thank you Seamus. As for you Ron, I might be your friend but I don't have those feelings for you, nor do I have them for anyone else, I don't have feelings like that for someone, I might never do"

Ron- "but Harry, I thought you have feelings for Ginny?"

Harry- I raise my eyebrow at him "when did I ever say that because I pretty sure I never have or ever made any indication to me having feelings towards you sister, which by the way trust me I never will, no offence but I feel your family as my family, that includes seeing Ginny like a sister, like I see you like a brother, I even see Hermione like a sister to me"

Ron- "but your meant to like my sister, I always thought so, you are a perfect match and she likes you too"

Neville- he comes out hearing the whole conversation "I remember my grandma telling me a story of a women who was secretly putting love potions into someone drink, let's just say she ended up in Azkaban and the other well, he ended up in being hospitalized and had the potions pumped out of his body, turns out he killed someone after seeing his wife talking to another man, turns out, that was her cousins who was gay. You should never force someone to love someone especially give them a love potion, now the whole story behind this, is if Harry doesn't love or like your sister then he doesn't and if she dare gives him a love potion, we will know because of what is said to day this tower plus we would be able to tell if Harry is acting different"

Harry- "Thank you Neville and Seamus, now I shall be on my way" I say before turning as I hear Ron starting the shout at the two as they defend themselves and each other

I see Hermione is waiting down in the common room with Ginny

"I am sorry Ginny but I never will be yours ever, so good look finding love because it certainly won't be with me"

Before the two could say any word as I see them opening their mouths, I leave the common room and head straight towards the great hall

I go over to the table to have some pancakes for the day with whip cream and strawberries nothing like a unhealthy breakfast even though their strawberries but atleast its food

Oh great first class is defence



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