Chapter 17

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I rushed to the astronomy tower knowing something is wrong with my cousin, brother and mate

I have my invisibility cloak on as I go and hide underneath, I peak out seeing Dumbledore there with the others having their wands pointing at him

Dumbledore- "what are you doing here Tom? You look different"

Tom- "I got my souls be put back into me except for two, my snake Nagini and the other which I can't say as I made by mistake but glad I did. As to why I am within these walls, I am the new headmaster and everyone loves me"

Dumbledore- "they need to know who you are"

Tom- "all the staff know who I am, they have all joined me on my side including your half giant, Hadgrid, he believes in my ways, some of the students especially Harry Potter know who I am"

Dumbledore- "no it can't be, you have to have lied to staff and Harry, yes he is against me but he would never chose you"

Harry- I come out of hiding, as I stand next to Tom with my left arm around his waist "oh but I am"

Dumbledore- "why Harry he kill your parents?"

Harry- "oh I know how you stole my life away and made me human, I have all the memories back before you created me as Harry Potter, yes I still go by the name but I am still the older brother of Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy"

Dumbledore- "there was a good reason as to why that all happened"

Harry- "so you could create another war?"

Dumbledore- he nods "yeah"

Harry- "why?"

Dumbledore- "so I could be popular and useful again, I was getting old and people were forgetting me, people stopped asking me for help but as soon as I made you Harry Potter and helped out with everything that was going on"

Harry- I shake my head "you are so pathetic, look at you know, you put me into a home with abusive horrible people who starved me and when that didn't kill me, they started hurting me, I slept in a cupboard under the stairs. You allowed my brother to be abused by his muggle father and my future husband to be left in a horrible orphanage who took him to priest to get rid of teh evil out of him, the priest would hurt him and the orphanage would hurt him. You let your lover believe that you could kill and take over the world, then left him to rot over and over again, he eventually gave up on escaping and finally killed himself after realising the truth about you. You create dark wizards and the war for you pleasure ,and gain. You should of kept to being a worthless pathetic headmaster or professor who meant nothing to the world. Avada Kedavra!" I shout the killing curse pointing my wand at him towards the end of my speech

I step forward looking over the edge as I watched him fall down to the ground

I wave my wand making his wand appear before me, the elder wand plus I noticed the man's dead hand, he was slowly and painfully dying

I turn with a smile "we won"

Tom- he rushes over to him and hugs him "I was sort of scared for a second then"

Harry- "you are getting too soft"

Tom- he smirks "indeed"



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