chapter 59

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"Alright Caria, let's go in!" Eisen said with an excited grin. He's been working toward this for quite a while now, so actually being at this place felt somewhat surreal to him. But most importantly, he wondered what was going to happen. Would he get some kind of amazing skill, or an even better material to work with?

Or would he be slaughtered alive because some horrid monster simply wanted to turn Eisen into a healthy snack and lured him to its home for some breakfast in bed?

"Just one way to find out, I guess!" Eisen shrugged and stepped forward to make his way into the dark cave. It took a little while, but soon his eyes got used to the lack of light other than what came through the caveentrance and was able to make his way through the wide tunnels.

And not long after the light from the cave entrance couldn't be seen anymore, another source of light took its place. There were a number of luminous crystals growing along the walls of the cave glowing in a soft blue light.

"Ooh? These look interesting! I wonder what makes them glow like this... Do they store energy and push it out in the form of light?" Eisen asked himself and squatted down next to an especially large piece of these crystals.

"I'm sure whoever I'm visiting won't mind if I take a little bit to play around with." He chuckled and activated his transmutation to cleanly split off a small part of the crystal, which he then placed into his Backpack, before continuing on through the cave.

After a few more minutes of walking, Eisen was met with a grand stone doorway. It looked somewhat blank, and Eisen expected it to be more decorated, but in the end it also seemed quite old and rustic, so it had some natural charm to it that possible didn't need any further decorations.

But Eisen kind of hoped to be able to find out what it was that waiting for him on the other side through those decorations when he saw the door in the distance, but it seemed like now he just had to get in and see.

Thus, Eisen slowly moved to the door and placed his hands on the two sides, slowly pushing in to open it up.

Immediately when he did so, clouds of mist hit his body and poured into the space behind him. It didn't seem incredibly dense, so Eisen wouldn't have any trouble continuing on walking, but it was still an immense surprise.

The old man entered the misty space in front of him, and was surprised to see that this actually wasn't where the creature he was going to meet was. There was another tunnel leading further into the mountain, and Eisen figured that that's where he could find it.

And as such, Eisen continued walking forward through the mist. It seemed to him as if there were some ghostly whispers echoing around the cave, but Eisen ignored them and simply kept on walking, albeit while making sure he wouldn't be ambushed by something by carefully looking around himself.

Eisen continued through the tunnel until the mist was cut off, which seemed basically instant. It was as if a literal wall of mist stood behind him.

And in front of him, a huge hall was openly displaying whatever treasures were inside. Gold coins upon gold coins, and gems of all kind that were all glittering away. It was so bright in this room that Eisen even had to shield his eyes! That made him curious, though, where that light came from. There didn't seem to be any normal light source around, and all the light seemed to come from the treasure itself.

There was really only one thing that didn't glow in this room, and that was the huge carved gold statue in the center of the room! It was truly magnificent to look at! It was in the shape of a huge sleeping dragon, with a strong body and mighty scales that were all individually carved. It wasn't as shiny as the rest of the gold in the hall, and on first sight it didn't even seem to be real gold, but since it was surrounded by it, Eisen figured that it was.

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