chapter 21

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"Huh? What's this?" Eisen muttered out confused. It wasn't that he ranked up his Tailoring skill, there was something else that Eisen thought was more interesting. There was a stat bonus he's never seen before until now. So, he turned to a person that probably should know, since she was an inhabitant of that world.

"Bree, what's CHA?" He asked and Bree tilted her head.

"Well, that stands for charisma, obviously... Oh, right, you lost your memory... erm, Charisma is an extra stat. It's something that can't be increased with stat points, you see~?. You have to do certain actions so that it increases!"

"I see... And what does Charisma do?" Eisen asked curiously. Charisma usually has a lot to do with interactions with other people, and how they react to you, so maybe this is something like that as well.

Bree thought for a bit and then began explaining. "Hmm... Charisma makes others believe you more easily? There's actually a children's story about it~!" She exclaimed, and Eisen listened closely. And this is what Bree told him.

There once was a Bard, singing and telling the stories about her travels. Whenever she came into a town, people swarmed her and paid her in copper, silver and even gold so that she would say a single word. And after a while, her Charisma kept climbing higher and higher, until nobody was able to deny a word she said! But then, a prince saw her beauty and wanted to marry her. He hired hundreds of people to try and bring her to him.

That night, the Bard stood in front of the castle with the men and women the Prince hired. At first, he thought they were successful and stormed over the drawbridge to meet his love. Angered at his actions, the Bard took out a dagger and stabbed the prince to death. And as if this was the most normal thing in the world, the King came out of the castle and invited the Bard to eat with them, as her words even fooled the things he saw with his own eyes, just moments before.

"Well, that gives me a pretty good idea at what Charisma does, thanks. Do many people have it?" Eisen asked while scratching his beard, wondering if this will have an influence on sales as well once he would open his own shop at some point.

Bree shook her head in response, saying that mainly artists, such as Bards or Painters, had it, although many political figures, as well as merchants also did.

Eisen nodded once he got all the information he needed and stood up, clearing the table of all leftover materials and grabbing the Suit to bring it somewhere so that he could change into it. Since he remembered seeing some changing rooms in the corner of the shop's front area, Eisen decided to change there so that he could show the outfit to Folmirra as well.

Thus, Eisen and Bree walked to the front, and Eisen stepped into the changing room, slipping out of his clothes and changing into the suit. The Moment he placed the last piece of the set onto him, the handkerchief going into his breast pocket, he got a new notification.

[Due to a special action, the Charisma (CHA) Stat has been unlocked. It has been set at 10.]

"Interesting..." He muttered to himself, a smile on his face as he stepped back out of the changing room, being met with a whistle from Folmirra.

"Wow, Eisen, looking good. And you made that just today? Pretty impressive." Folmirra exclaimed as she stepped closed, taking a look at the fabrics and stitches. In the end, she sat back down and sighed loudly, "You seriously made an Item Set that overwhelmed your Tailoring Skill? You're truly extraordinary..."

"Thank you, Folmirra. Ah, Bree, could you wait outside for a bit now? I have something private to discuss with Folmirra."

"Awe... Fine..." Pouting, Bree stepped out through the door and leaned against the stone wall next to the window. Confused, Folmirra narrowed her eyes. "Wait, why do you want to talk to me? Did you decide to become a Tailor after all?" She asked hope-filled. But Eisen quickly shook his head and began to explain.

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