"Alright, but don't make this a habit. You shouldn't skip meals like this." I narrowed my eyes at him as he simply just nodded, knowing very well he would do it all over again. Some people never change. "Where do you want to eat?"

He thinks for a moment before his eyes lit up as he remembers the name. I don't know why he is so fucking happy all the time.

"The Moonlight Bakery! That bakery is absolutely amazing. And I also want to meet my friend again!" Why the fuck does he always have to act like a child.

"Friend?" I asked, raising my eye brow. Sure, Dante is really friendly and could befriend a fucking ant if he saw one, but I never saw his eyes lit up like that.

"Friend." He nodded with a smile. "I met a really beautiful girl there who is really sweet. You should meet her you know." He teases while nudging my shoulders slightly.

"Fuck off, Dante. You know I'm not interested in dating." I sighed, watching him ramble about his friend. I am sure it is just another girl who he is going to pull in bed with him for a night and pretend not to know the next morning. I don't have time for these. I already have a whole damn Mafia to handle.

"We will see about that when you meet her." He winked, making me grimace at his expectations. He is getting his hopes high for no fucking reason.

I parked my car beside the small bakery and came out of it before turning my attention to the pink mess infront of me. It was too bright and happy-looking for my liking. Who even designed this shit?

We entered the bakery before choosing a table and sitting down. Dante kept bouncing his leg up and down while rambling about the blueberry muffins, which were apparently made by the mystery girl he gushed about earlier. I just leaned back in my seat and released a deep breath, just wanting him to eat his damn breakfast and get the fuck out of here. My hands were itching to get wet by that bastard's blood.

Just then, a waiter came and asked us for our order. I looked up boredly and read the name tag. Levi. He had messy brown hair with chestnut eyes. He was tall, probably around 5'11 or 6'0 feet.

"Buen día, sirs. What would you like to have today?" He casually tried to say but the quiver in his voice failed him. I internally smirked at the visible fear swirling in his eyes. The whole Italy knew who we were and always respected us. I fucking loved it.

Before I could respond something, Dante beats me to it and asks excitedly, "Where is Sirena? Did she come today?" Oh for fuck's sake. Is he obsessed with this 'Sirena' girl or what?

I watched as the waiter's face turn from confusion to annoyance in a matter of seconds before he hides it. It was quite amusing on how it tried to hide it but failed. Over the years, I have mastered the art of reading people's emotions just by seeing their faces. It helped me understand their next action and act in accordance to that action.

"She did come today but is quite busy at this moment." He replied quickly, confirming my suspicion of him lying. Is Sirena his girlfriend or what? His body language gave away his pathetic lie. "Would you mind if I took your order instead?"

Dante's face dimmed a bit and he shook his head lightly. "Not at all." He responded, disappointment clear in his voice. Who is this girl? My brother seems whipped about her. "I would like to order a slice of Tocino De Cielo with a cup of Cinnamon tea."

Levi notes it down instantly and turns to me apprehensively, fear clear on his face. "And you, sir?"

"Large black coffee."

"Okay, your order will be here in fifteen minutes." He nods and bows at me before scurrying off. I barely even looked at his direction, the fuck is he scared of?

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