Chapter Fifty

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"What if I'll be a shit husband?" Steven asks as Conrad wipes away the sweat from our brother's brow.

I ignore his question because it's the same one he's been repeating for the past 20 minutes.

If he asks one more time I might just tell him the truth. That whether he'll be shit or not, he's still going to walk down the aisle in 5 minutes because Shayla would kill him with her bare hands if he didn't.

He wouldn't dare upset her. Which is why he'll be a great husband.

I leave the speeches of encouragement to Conrad, though. I don't care much for weddings. Certainly not after the last one. And definitely not after my parents got divorced years ago.

That should've been my first warning. Marriage doesn't last, so why bother in the first place. And then Conrad got eloped— wise move to be fair. Belly almost got trapped in the tangled web of marriage. And now Steven.

It seems I'm the only one with common sense.

"Where's Belly?" I ask, drowning out the annoying sound of Steven hyperventilating.

"She's not here?" The groom asks— looking around the room as if he swore she was just here.

She wasn't. I would've known.

"We're all supposed to be going down the aisle in 3 minutes," Steven says between shaky breaths, "and my best man isn't here?"

I shake my head.

"We'll find her," Conrad comforts him.

As if on cue, the door to the groom's suit opens. But it isn't Belly.

"Taylor, aren't you supposed to be sat down with everyone else?" I ask.

"Shayla wanted me to tell you they're ready." She shrugs.

"We can't find Belly," I tell her— trying hard not to care too much. Am I worrying? A little. More than a little. God knows she doesn't have a good track record with weddings. But she wouldn't willingly ditch her own brother's wedding.

"She's ready," is all Taylor tells us before leaving— hopefully, to join the wedding.

"Okay, you ready?" Conrad asks the sweaty groom.

Steven nods and actually manages to stand on his own two feet.

"You got this, man," I say.

He manages to walk all the way to the end of the aisle all by himself. "I feel like a proud parent watching their kid walk for the first time," Conrad jokes.

I laugh and wrap my arm around one of Shayla's bridesmaids'. Another grips onto Conrad's arm and he steps out onto the aisle before we can say anything else.

The small blonde and I walk out next. I keep my head held high, but my thoughts are with Belly. She wasn't out there with us. Taylor says she's ready, but why wasn't she with us? She should be with her brother.

I should know where she is.

What if she's scared? Being in another wedding so soon, she might be feeling a bit of trauma. She wouldn't run, but what if she's upset.

We reach the end of the aisle and I stand next to Conrad. The no-named blonde moves to the other side of the aisle.

I don't care about any of it.

As much as I want to care, my eyes are focused on the door at the other end. My thoughts a blur of panic. My fists clenching at my sides.

Belly, my mind sings.

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