Chapter Twenty-Five

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It didn't take long until everybody knew about Jere and I. We both got ecstatic phone calls from our moms, congratulating us.

We decided to clarify that we've only been on one date– whenever someone brings it up. At least this way, the rumours won't get so badly out of hand. This way, we don't have to pretend to be in a real relationship. To be in love.

We just have to act as if we both have a little crush– especially when we're around George.

We decided that our little fake relationship won't be lasting too long as we don't see either George or Elsie too much. We just have to last a little longer so it doesn't seem too suspicious when things end so suddenly.

It's an elaborate plan, created just to keep everyone fooled for long enough. I can't imagine the amount of embarrassment we would feel if we were ever caught lying. George would realise how pathetic I am because I had to lie about my relationship status. He'd think I still care about him because of my lie. I don't. I shouldn't. Maybe I do, but just a little. I don't know what I feel anymore. Since our breakup, I don't think I ever know what I feel.

All I know is that this cannot go wrong. This ruse between Jeremiah and I, it has to go perfectly. It doesn't matter who we're around anymore. This isn't just about George. Too many people know now. We've been thrown in the deep end before we even learnt to swim. Before we had a chance to overcome our fears. Now we have to suffer the consequences and fight our fear along the way.

Although, as I stare at Jeremiah now, I can't sense much fear on him at all. He leans back in his chair like he's the most comfortable he's ever been in his life.

Me– I'm all jittery. It feels like I've had a million more coffees than I actually have– which is 3... in a row.

I messaged Jeremiah a few days later to ask him to talk about this plan of ours more thoroughly. I have spent the time away from him panicking about every possible thing going wrong and I suppose I wanted to make sure he was worried too. From the second he walked through the doors of our favourite cafe, Jack's, I knew my answer: Jeremiah never worries. He doesn't have a single anxiety about our plan and I can tell– and it makes me feel even worse.

Does he not realise how serious this would be if everything went wrong? Am I overreacting? Does he think I'm overreacting? Should I care what he thinks? Do I care what he thinks?

My own thoughts make me cringe, but I manage to play it out more casually than I ever thought I could. Jeremiah doesn't seem to notice anything is wrong.

Is it a universal thing for men to be so clueless, or is that just a flaw of the unapologetically beautiful Jeremiah? Is it possible for him to have any flaws at all?

I silently scald myself for taking my frustration and nerves out on him. I feel as if I'm drowning in these overpowering thoughts and anxieties. My questions flow through my brain as if they control the entire organ. I picture my anxieties taking over my whole body and that sure as hell does not help the matter.

"I can see your brain whirring," Jeremiah mumbles to himself, but he does not move a muscle from his casual position.

I shift uncomfortably under his assessing gaze, "we have a lot to be thinking about."

"We?" He asks me– his brows raise slightly.

"Our... plan," I mutter as if everyone in the entire cafe will hear and know about our lies and deceit.

"Oh," Jere tries to hide an amused smile, "our plan."

"We need to discuss the details so that we don't get anything mixed up–"

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