Chapter Eighteen

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I wake up the next day and I'm not angry. I thought I would be. I mean, after finding out that my childhood crush of around 15 years has just got engaged to someone else and didn't want to tell me, you'd think I'd be pissed for a little longer than a few hours.

Instead, I wake up looking forward to the day, because I met George last night. We texted all night until we fell asleep and we made plans for the whole day. Not just a date. Not just a silly movie and a cheap restaurant. No. The. Whole. Day.

So, screw Conrad and his new fiancé, because I've met the perfect person. He had me laughing all night and I didn't even think of Conrad once. Okay, that may be a lie. Nobody is that perfect.

Since his dad died, George hasn't been to Cousins in years. Cousins has changed a little bit since he was probably last here. So, we're going to spend the day exploring these new places he probably hasn't seen.

I know Cousins better than anybody, so he really lucked out when he met me.

I also have reserved a table at Cousins finest diner later in the evening. After all, we should be pretty hungry after running around town all day.

I'm so excited that I wake up super early and even forget a few steps of my morning routine. At least I remembered to wash up and eat breakfast. The necessities.

I texted George my address and said the tour starts at 10, which gave me... 4 hours to be ready. Oh. I already showered and ate and picked out my outfit. I don't really need 4 hours to get dressed.

I'm too excited. I don't think I've ever been this excited about a boy. I remember my first boy– no, not Conrad– Cam. Cam was the first boy I actually counted as an ex. We didn't date for very long, but I was young and I thought I really liked him, so I say he counts.

Aside from Cam, I've kissed both Conrad and Jeremiah. I don't think I've ever counted those two as exes though.

I really think this thing with George could lead somewhere. Somewhere good. I only had one real conversation with him when we met and he comforted me. It was such an amazing meet-cute. On Cousins beach of all places! How perfect is that?

I plan out the whole day in more detail while I wait for George's arrival. It's going to be perfect.

I hear my phone message ping and see the time is 9:47 before reading the message. I see George's name and instantly my heart flutters.

I'm here xx , the message read.

My nerves are unreal. I tell myself to breath and I check the mirror so many times before allowing myself to leave.

This is it. I'm going to remember this day for the rest of my life.

"Hey, beautiful." He greets me with the compliment immediately and my heart dances a little happy dance.

"Hey," my voice is quiet, but hopefully I don't sound too strange.

He messes with the radio a little before finding the station he likes. The songs are a little bland for my taste, but this is his car so I don't complain. I'll probably listen to whatever songs he likes later tonight anyway.

"So, I was thinking we go to the docks first, there's this new cafe that's just opened. Even I haven't been yet, so don't judge me if it's bad." I joke and even sigh in relief when I hear him laugh too.

"It'll be perfect," he says the same words that I've been telling myself all morning. Convincing myself that it will be.

The cafe turns out to be nice but a little pricey. I feel bad when George offers to pay for my coffee and brownie, so I change our next plan. I had decided on an ice cream parlour, but I change it to the most expensive ice cream parlour I know and make sure I pay for our ice creams. It doesn't cost as much as the coffees, but it's good enough.

After that, we head to the carnival fair that has come into town just this week. It comes every summer, so I'm not sure if George will have been before, but regardless, it'll have been years.

We go on a few cheap rides and treat ourselves to cotton candy and caramel apples– anything that's full of sugar.

We spend the whole day laughing and telling each other everything. I even tell him about my embarrassing crush on Conrad. I trust George that much. I would trust him with anything. My heart, even.

"We should probably stop filling up on crap. I have a reservation." I say as I fill my mouth with more cotton candy.

George just laughs, "you can never have too much crap, mom!"

I swat his arm with the bag of candy I'm holding, because I don't have a free arm. I have a huge teddy bear in my other hand. I'm certainly not going to sacrifice Mr Cuddles.

"My mom will love you," he says in all seriousness.

He hasn't talked much about his mom. He talks a lot about the memories with his dad and everything they did, but not his mom. This is actually the first I've heard about her.

"What is she like?" I ask, taking advantage.

"A lot like you, actually. So kind, hilarious... beautiful." He smiles as I blush. He's called me beautiful many times already, but I still can't believe he means it. I can't believe there's actually someone out there who thinks I'm beautiful. It makes me unbelievably happy. And lucky.

"I can't wait to meet her one day."

I honestly believe I will get to meet Mrs Westfield. I think– no, I know– that this thing between me and George is going to evolve into something more. He's going to be the one. He has to be. I wouldn't be so happy otherwise.

The restaurant isn't fancy, but I didn't find a cheap one either. It's just my favourite place. Jeremiah introduced me to it a few years ago when it was new.

Jack's has always been my go-to place whenever I couldn't be bothered to make my own food. It's so delicious and the staff already know me so well.

"You've brought a date," the waitress says with a smile when she comes to take our order.

I just smile at George and end up ordering for the two of us because I find out that he's a very indecisive person.

I seem to make the right choice because he eats every bit, making satisfactory noises every now and then.

"This place is amazing, how did you find it?" He asks.

"Jeremiah. I told you about him." I've told him my entire life story at this point. I don't think there's anything this man doesn't know about me.

He just nods, "I can't wait to meet your family, too."

I described Conrad and Jeremiah as like family– which is true– but it just sounds weird hearing it come from someone else. The Fisher boys mean more to me than family. Or maybe they don't. I don't know. Family just doesn't sound right coming from George's lips.

Regardless, I love the boys a lot.

"I can't wait for you to meet them all too," I smile, "they're going to love you."


Sorry if this was a little disappointing but the flashbacks will help with the story development. I know how much we all want Belly and Jere time. Instead... I give you George. hehe.

Thank you for reading, though. Comment any thoughts or opinions and please don't forget to vote. (Thank you to people who are doing that, it really puts a smile on my face when I get to read any comments)


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