Chapter Nine

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Jeremiah took me to his car and drove me home. I was so dumbfounded and confused by my own actions that I didn't say a word to him for the whole journey.

Did I really just leave a man at the alter? You hear about it all the time in movies and books, but how could I ever do it? Me? Isabel Conklin? I'm I total sucker for romance and this wedding was beautiful. Granted, it wasn't on my favourite beach in Cousins, but it was summer. My family and friends were all there.

Oh god! My family are probably looking for me right now! I was too busy thinking about my true dream wedding to even think about the embarrassment of it all. Poor George. He'll be stood up on that altar wondering where I've gone. Taylor and my parents will be looking everywhere for me.

Despite all the embarrassment, I know I made the right choice. It was a hard one and truthfully I haven't wrapped my head around it yet– and sure, George may never forgive me– but I do think I wouldn't be happy with the life he was offering. He had the money, the cars and the house, but really, is that what I desire?

I look down at the disgustingly expensive engagement ring and I know that it isn't me. I was so wrapped up in the romance and the excitement of being with George that I didn't see him. I didn't see me. Young me somewhere deep down inside would be disappointed that I'd disregarded my own dreams for a sweet-talking businessman. God, when I put it like that, what did I ever see in George?

No, I'm being rude. George was a gentlemen. He would never do me any wrong and I could've had everything I could ever need with that man. He doesn't deserve any of this, and when I can finally find a way to overcome the embarrassment and talk again, I will make sure he understands why I did what I did.

"Belly, we're here." Jeremiah places a hand on my shoulder to grab my attention away from the car window. It seems like a good time for the rain to pour down on that sad little wedding, but it doesn't. The late sun is shining ever so brightly as it inches slowly over the horizon. I swear, it's only going this slow to make this painful day last even longer.

I don't even realise that Jeremiah has carried me through the door until he's sat me atop my bed.

"No, I want a bath." I mumble to him. I can't sleep yet. I'm not even tired. I just want to get this ridiculous gown off and scrub at my skin until it's raw. I want to rid myself of this disgraceful day until all that remains is the one sad, pathetic memory of me running away from my fiancé.

"Ok." Jeremiah stands and five minutes later I hear the water running in the adjacent bathroom.

I start rummaging for a change of clothes in the drawers beside my bed. This is my mother's house which means the only clothes I have are from my teenage years. God, I was an embarrassment then!

I manage to find an old baggy Princeton shirt that Steven gifted to me before he left for college. He said the only sizes they had were XL. I'm kind of relieved I have this now that my adult curves no longer fit into my teenage clothes. I pair it with a pair of cotton shorts that I know will be too small, but it's the only decent thing I have to work with.

I walk into the bathroom to find Jeremiah knelt beside the tub, running his hand through the water and bubbles. I place my clothes over the sink, the slight noise disturbs Jere's actions.

"Sorry, didn't see you there." He pulls himself up from the floor. "It's hot, just like you like it."

"Thank you, Jere."

His smile tells me he acknowledges that my 'thank you' isn't just for running the bath.

He turns away from me to leave the bathroom.

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