Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Wait–" I reach out for George's wrist and pull him close. I wrap my body around his arm as if I'm a koala.

"I'm nervous." I whisper in his ear as if anybody else could hear me.

We're alone on his mom's porch. I've seen this house before. That feels strange. I've been in his mom's house but I've never actually met the woman who owns it. I haven't met the woman who birthed my boyfriend. So, yes, I'm nervous.

"If I can suffer through a dinner with your whole family, you can meet my mom," George chuckles and plants a kiss at the top of my head.

I take a deep breath. As if the oxygen will help still my nerves. It doesn't, but it does give me enough confidence to loosen my grip on George's arm and take the last few steps up the porch.

George asks me if I'm ready. A silent question– with his eyes. I nod, never looking away from him and he leans over to knock on the door.

I finally look away from my boyfriend when his mom is stood in the doorway.

My first thought is that she's incredibly gorgeous. Her smile is wide and crinkles her aging eyes, and it calms my nerves instantly. I think to myself, why was I ever afraid? Her eyes are identical to George's– shape and color. I could look at them forever. She's mesmerising and I know she's kind before she even speaks.

"Hi! Oh, it's so good to finally meet you!" Her smile only widens when she speaks. She instantly pulls my into a hug– and then her son– and then invites us in.

"I love your hair," that's the first thing I say to my boyfriend's mom. I want to slap myself. What a stupid thing to say! But her short, blond bob is very cute and stylish. My mind argues with itself back and forth, until George's mom finally speaks to shut me up.

"Thank you, darling. I just had it cut, so it will take some getting used to," she laughs and I think I fall in love some more. She's so effortless. Her walk, the way she talks and now even the way she laughs. She doesn't need to try because she's already confident in herself. In every way.

"So, it's Isabel, right?" She asks me as we follow her through the house.

"Yeah, well, Belly, for short," I feel myself blush, "sorry, my brothers gave me that nickname." I laugh awkwardly because I can only think what impression I'm giving her. First I say whatever I think, without actually thinking at all. And then I have a stupid, childish nickname.

"Brothers? Plural?" She turns to me with genuine interest and I realise that my nickname doesn't actually bother her. If she dislikes me, she's hiding it very well.

She sticks out an arm and invites us to join her on the couch. I obey, because, well, the couch does look really comfy. And I'm really enjoying being in this woman's presence.

"Yes, well–" I feel flustered once again, "one biological, two I grew up with, so they're basically family."

She laughs, "three brothers! I can barely raise two."

"You have another son?" I ask. I instantly regret it because it sounds like George and I don't ever talk about anything. How could I not know about my boyfriend's siblings? But, we haven't been together that long, and I rarely speak about my family when I'm with him. We just have fun and enjoy each other's company.

"Yes," she doesn't worry as much as I do– about my lack of knowledge, "Aaron, my eldest."

"Well, if he's anything like George, I'm sure we'd get along swimmingly." I give her a smile, but I don't think it could ever be as bright as hers.

She smiles back at me, but doesn't say anything else about her sons.

"I'm making smashed burgers," she tells me.

"They sound incredible," I tell her with my own smile, but she's already looking at George.

"Will you check on them for me?" She asks him and the nerves reappear in my mind. It's obvious to both George and I that his mom only wants a moment alone with me.

I swallow the lump in my throat that has just appeared as if from nowhere and George leaves without a glance in my direction. I try to subtly take a deep breath and turn back to the mother of my boyfriend.

She stares at me for what feels like a century. I wouldn't be so nervous if she were smiling, but her smile has died as she assesses every inch of me. I don't know what she's looking for. I suppose she just wants to make me squirm. I don't blame her. I would do the same if I were in her position.

"I like you," she finally says and gives me her signature smile– finally.

It's like a breath of fresh air and I actually begin to breath again.

"I've never seen my boy this happy," she tells me and I want to say something. Anything.

"I like you too," I say, even though she doesn't actually need my approval. Although, she seems pleased by my revelation. I suppose it will be a whole lot easier if we don't hate each other.

I ask myself, then, would it change my mind about George if his mom didn't like me?

I don't think I will ever know the answer to that. Besides, I left him and I loved his mom. Make that make sense.


Early update seeing as this chapter is just a short flashback ;)

Thank you for reading :3

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