more headcanons

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i tried making these a little more detailed then the last one!


leorio and kurapikas relationship:

- leorio realized his feelings kinda during the hunter exam but tried to not think about it because he thought he was straight

- kurapika was leorios gay awakening

- kurapika realized his feelings after everything happened in york new

- they have matching profile pictures and matching bios

- they both have separation anxiety and are both really silly

- kurapika calls leorio names such as my love, dear, and darling, and daddy.

- leorio calls kurapika names like sunshine, pookie, baby, babe, and kitten

- they cook dinner together

- kurapika always shows his favorite shows to leorio and leorio feels happy to know what he likes because kurapika is very reserved

- they get married

- they adopt gon, killua, and alluka but eventually gon and killua move out to explore the world together! they both still treat them as their parents

- their first kiss was at olive garden and yes there is an olive garden at york new

- kurapika is a facebook mom and leorio always comments emojis on his posts


- favorite roblox game is adopt me and usually gets scammed

- loves stickers and he puts them all over his room

- loves orange juice

- loves the wildlife and always plays outside

- favorite food is cheeseburger with no pickles

- loves youtube and usually watches it with alluka

- loves having sleepovers with everyone

- favorite animal is definitely bears and he probably has a bear onesie somewhere

- is way to nice for his own good


- likes playing roblox and his favorite game is fashion famous because he likes to tell people how good they are and then only give them only 1 star

- plays roblox with gon a lot mainly adopt me and
when he's mad at gon he usually scams him

- doesn't know how to apologize well

- has anger issues

- he loves living with kurapika and leorio because he is happy to have a good family

- loves apple juice

- favorite food is hamburgers with extra pickle and extra onion

- doesn't like soda

- LOVES chocolate, like an insane amount

- has had 3 cavities and all the dentists have told him to stop eating so much candies

- loves blankets and is a blanket enjoyer, he has a huge mountain of blankets in his room

- he doesn't listen

killua and gons relationship:

- started being together a little while after the ending of the last episode

- alluka got them together

- has matching bracelets and gon smiles whenever people notice

- they love cuddling together and staying up past their bedtime

- gon uses some of his money he earns to buy killua chocolate

- when they go places and gon makes killua wear matching outfits

- they love playing games together and gon always takes screenshots of them playing and posts it online

- they have a tiktok account where they make stupid videos but when kurapika found out he made them delete tiktok

- tried the grimace shake and pranked leorio they actually died


next one will be about alluka and maybe hisoka and illumi

maybe also other characters but i don't know yet


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