✦ my big alpha ╔ omegaverse au ╗

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// hunter x hunter omegaverse fanfic, who knows what will happen because not even the author knows, but it's very good i swear //

also kurapika with parents au


it was a dark and stormy night, kurapika was sitting on his couch in his comfortable home. he was a senior student at high school in york new and his grades were perfect, like everything else about him, he had shiny medium length hair and grey eyes that sparkled.

he was an omega, since this was the omegaverse yet he didn't let that take over his personality unlike other omegas in this world, he was a quiet and determined person.

his two best friends, gon and killua, were freshman. and they were both betas so they were kinda like the earth ponies of this world. the two boys were actually in a relationship together which was obvious as they were always together.

but one thing was for sure, kurapika did not know what was his best friend was, his best friend being leorio, a tall back-haired man that was studying to become a doctor.

the blonde had always wondered about whether he was an alpha or omega, or even just a beta, but never felt like he should ask since unlike other people, he never directly said to people.

after a few hours passed, and a delicous dinner with his family, he plopped onto his bed and sighed loudly because teacher for his phone, calling a certain man.

"kurapika? what's up?" the man on the other phone said, kurapika started kicking his legs against the bed and getting all shy at the deep voice of leorio.
"oh! leorio! it's so good to h-here from you!" kurapika stuttered.

after about an hour of chatting with eachother, they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone, setting it on his bedside table since he was done with it for now. he laid down as his mind wandered, ugh, i'm so embarrassing, why the hell did i stutter so much? i'm so lame...

after his little mental breakdown he went to sleep, he was pretty tired after all and he had a big day at school tomorrow.

the next morning he woke up and got ready for his day at school, said goodbye to his mom and dad, then hurried off to school, having a piece of bread in his mouth as he ran quickly, crap! i'm gonna be late!

eventually he got to school, happy to be ten minutes early and getting a head start to be the first in class until he noticed a green kid standing up against the wall.

"gon? is that you, usually you're always late with killua?" kurapika asked as gon turned his focus to him, his face gleaming, "oh hey kurapika! don't worry, mito just had somewhere to go so she dropped me off early!" kurapika then gave him a smile as their teacher let them into the classroom early.

a few minutes after class started, leorio rushed in, being late as always, ugh that guy! i love him so much, despite him always being late! ugh, he thought to himself as he had an inner battle.

leorio flashed him a charming smile as the teacher started to yell at him infront of the class. "LEORIO! you will never be a doctor if you continue to be late!and your grades are terrible! that's it, see me after class," the teacher said in a harsh tone.

because of that little outburst, the whole class got quiet and starred at the soon to be doctor, leorio frowned noticing the peoples stares as he sighed in despair, kurapika looking up at him with a sad smile.

quickly, school finished and leorio met up with kurapika, "oh leorio! weren't you suppose to meet up with your teacher?" he reminded, "oh god you're right!" and in a flash, he was gone. kurapika smiling softly as he made his way back home, he wished leorio and him could talk more but perhaps he'll just call him tonight.

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