✦ wedding ╔ fluff ╗

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// leorio and kurapikas special day finally arrives! unfortunately chaotic things happen //


it was finally the day where kurapika who had no real last name given to him, was finally going to marry the love of his life, leorio paladiknight.

it was the morning before their wedding and melody was helping kurapika get ready, he was really nervous as he began to chew his nails. "kurapika, no chewing your nails after i took so long to do them!" the blonde just sighed loudly and melody looked at him.

"what's the matter?" she said in concern of her friend, "i'm just worried! don't worry about me though i'll be alright, i just fear about a few things."

melody understood that his friend over thought a lot and always had abandonment issues, he didn't know how to help him but he knew leorio wasn't the type of guy to hurt or leave him.

kurapika sighed and began to speak once again, melody making sure to listen to each word.

"oh melody i'm just so nervous, all our friends will be there, what if i do something stupid or what if leorio notices how terrible i am, and leaves me!" kurapika whined loudly.

"oh dear don't worry! everything will be okay, it's a day for just you and leorio to show your love for eachother!" melody said sweetly as she was doing the blondes hair, "and i know leorio loves you, he won't leave you." kurapika calmed down a bit after hearing those comforting words.

meanwhile, leorio was finally all ready, after being helped with his friends, and so were the kids. now they were all their way to the wedding venue which was on the beach. "oh leorio you look so handsome! i cant wait to see kurapika!" alluka said happily, leorio was wearing a black suit with some hints of yellow. meanwhile alluka was wearing a yellow dress, killua and gon were wearing a white and black suit that were matching.

all of them made sure to have hints of yellow on them, with alluka wearing a sunflower hairpin, and gon and killua wearing a sunflower charm on their ties.

"thanks sweetie i just hope i don't trip or do anything stupid, like i usually do," leorio said as he started to sweat, seeing how many people were actually here already at their wedding. "oh come on old man! you'll be fine!" killua said as gon and alluka just nodded in agreement.


eventually kurapika was all ready and he and melody were finally on their way, and while they were on their way, leorio was getting prepared once again after sweating so much.

he had already greeted everyone and everything was all set up, now leorio just stood at the alter waiting while the wedding was about to begin.

next to him was his best man, who was gon, smiling widely as he waiting.

time passed and leorio started to get even more nervous, there were so many people, he didn't even realize they knew that many people until he saw all of them at once, all looking up at him. he even saw tonpa who the hell invited him leorio thought to himself.

looking over at gon who stood next to him, he smiles cheerfully at leorio, "oh cmon don't worry! kurapika loves you so he'll be here." this should have calmed leorio down, but it didn't.

leorio kept thinking to himself, what if he's not coming! he would never do that, he would only do it if our lives and personalities were a story that was controlled by an evil author who just wanted to see us suffer!  wait what's happening, leorio quickly felt relieved as he heard the wedding music start up.

he then saw as alluka walked happily down the aisle, throwing beautiful pink and red flower petals, as leorios eyes widened upon seeing kurapika, he was wearing a beautiful white suit with a yellow sparkly hairpin, combing his hair back but keeping his bangs infront of his face, smiling like an angel.

soon enough kurapika was standing right next to leorio, as hisoka who was the priest, started with his speech while killua came up to them with the rings.

hisoka turned his focus onto leorio, "do you, leorio paladiknight, take kurapika to be your lawfully wedded husband hehe" leorio looked into kurapikas eyes and he felt as if he was gonna cry, he took the blondes hand.

"yes, i do."

hisoka turned his focus onto kurapika now, "do you kurapika, uhm what even is your last name? i couldn't find it not even on googl- " "hurry up already hisoka!" illumi screamed from the audience.

hisoka turned to his own boyfriend and rolled his eyes, "anyways hehe do you, kurapika, take leorio paladiknight do be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, in happiness and sadness, in beauty and ugly, in-"

as hisoka continued to ramble on, kurapika started to cry a little bit of how happy he was.

"yes, i..." he took a deep breathe, "i do!" he said a little loud then usual and hisoka finally stopped talking, "ok now killua please, the rings."

the white haired boy brought over the rings and leorio slipped his ring onto his new husbands finger, and kurapika did the same to him.

"now, you may kiss!" hisoka said cheerfully.

leorio leaned in and pressed his lips to kurapika as they kissed passionately, the audience all stood up and clapped, cheering for them and their happiness.

now it was time for their wedding party, they had all sorts of food and songs and they danced, all of them had a fun time feeding eachother cakes, talking about how happy the newly wedded couple will be.

now it was late, way passed the kids bedtimes, they had all said their final goodbyes to their friends as they were about to leave for their honey moon.

"um leorio, where are you two going anyways." gon said as the doctor leaned down to pat him on his head.

"we're going somewhere! it's a very secret surprise though," he said while holding kurapika in a tight embrace, "well have fun at somewhere!" alluka said waving them off as they went into their car.

"we will!" the blonde shouted as everyone waved them off as they drove off to somewhere, happily married


i don't know how marriages work sorry! hope it was wholesome enough


leopika oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora