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I woke up in the hospital room, blinking my eyes as the reality set in. The sterile smell of disinfectant filled the air, mixed with a hint of unease. Tubes connected me to monitors and machines, their beeps and whirrs creating an eerie symphony.

As I tried to move, a sharp pang shot through my chest, reminding me of the pain I had endured. I cautiously reached for my chest, feeling the tight bandages wrapped around it. The weight of what had happened settled heavily on my shoulders—I had been stabbed, a violent act that had left me fighting for my life.

Bits and pieces of the fateful encounter started to come back to me. The sudden, searing pain as the blade plunged into my back, the world spinning out of control as I collapsed. And then the miracle of a heart transplant, the gift of life offered to me amidst the tragedy.

Did Otto manage to find me a donor? I wondered, my mind filled with questions.

As I tried to process everything, a nurse entered the room, bringing a sense of comfort in this sea of uncertainty. Her compassionate eyes met mine, a mixture of sympathy and determination shining through.

"Good morning," she greeted me softly. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

I managed a weak smile, my voice trembling with a mix of gratitude and pain. "Thank you for saving me. I... I don't even know where to begin."

The nurse nodded, her manner gentle yet resolute. "You've been through a lot, but you're in good hands. The surgery was successful, and we're closely monitoring your progress. Just take it one step at a time, okay? Focus on healing."

As she adjusted the machines and checked my vital signs, I couldn't help but feel vulnerable. The physical and emotional scars would take time to heal, but a flicker of hope remained within me.

Then, I remembered that I wasn't alone during that difficult time.

"Excuse me, nurse," I asked, "who was with me when I arrived here?"

"Oh, you mean the guy? He's outside. I'll call him for you. Just give me a minute," the nurse replied, excusing herself. Shortly after, Non and Seng entered the room.

"Where are the others?" I inquired anxiously. "Where's Freen? Tre? And what happened to my mom?"

Non and Seng exchanged glances. Non swallowed hard, and Seng excused himself to let Non explain. Sitting on the chair beside me, Non smiled sadly.

"Your mother didn't make it. She passed away. And you're here in Freen's private hospital," Non said, his gaze directed upwards to hold back tears.

"And where's Freen?" I asked again, concerned.

"She's in the ICU. Her condition is critical, but the doctors said she has a 98% chance of survival," Non explained, providing a glimmer of relief.

"And what about Tre?" I pressed, my heart aching.

Non bit his lower lip and took out a letter from his pocket. "Tre left. He left this letter for you. I'll step outside so you can read it," he said, ruffling my hair gently.

As I held the letter in my hands, a wave of emotions washed over me. Why did he leave? I thought he would protect us until the end. I thought he would watch us grow together and build a family. Tears welled up in my eyes, yet I couldn't help but feel grateful for the time we spent together.

The letter began, "Hi, Becky.

I'm sorry I didn't say a proper goodbye to you and Freen. I know I promised to stay by your side, but I had no other choice. Please take care of yourself. I've known you for more than a few months, but I consider you as my sister. I enjoyed taking care of you.

You've grown into a strong and independent woman, Becky. I admire your strength, and when I saw you, I felt proud. I thought to myself, 'Finally, even if I'm not around, someone will look after Freen if she lets her anger control her again.' Thank you for being there, Becky. Please promise me that you'll never hurt Freen. You two should never hurt each other.

I have one favor to ask. If you have a son someday, can you call him 'Billy'? Even if it's just a nickname. Because that's my real name. I just want to remain in your thoughts, even though I won't be around anymore.

I entrust everything to you, Becky. I know you're a good person. Take care of yourself and take care of my heart. Despite being a criminal, I'm not a bad person, hehe.

With love, your brother, Billy/Tre."

Tears streamed down my face as I finished reading Tre's letter. I hugged the paper tightly, allowing myself to release the emotions that overwhelmed me. Non entered the room and embraced me gently, providing solace as I wept in his arms.

"We tried to stop him, but you urgently needed a donor. He asked Otto if he could give you his heart. Otto couldn't perform the surgery because he is healthy. But Tre plead, so we brought you here," Non explained.

Silence filled the room until Seng entered with news.

"Becky, Freen is awake."

Flames of Obsession (18+) || D.E. Book 2 || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now