Chapter 2: A New Weapon

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The mere thought of Becky being harmed by her fiancé made my blood boil until morning. Tre wanted to accompany me while delivering the weapon, but I insisted that he stay behind to look after the mansion, especially since Becky was there. We would only meet at the farmhouse later.

I hopped into my Rolls-Royce Boat Tail and checked if the crate was securely placed. It was covered in a large metallic foil and tied with a ribbon, almost resembling a gift. Well, it was a gift, but an illegal one.

"Darn!" I cursed as I spotted an officer waving ahead. I suspected it was because I was exceeding the speed limit. Tre always got frustrated whenever we were stopped by officers.

"Nice car you have," the officer said, leaning on the car door. "Anyway, miss, you were speeding."

"Sorry about that. How much is the fine? I promise I won't do it again," I replied, using the sweetest voice I could muster.

"Actually, I can't be bribed with money," he smirked.

This officer seemed inexperienced. I wasn't trying to bribe him; I was simply willing to pay the fine for my speeding.

"Really?" I asked, examining him from head to toe. "Maybe we can discuss my punishment somewhere else. What do you think?" I added, trying to sound seductive.

He was cute, and I wouldn't mind spending the night with him. But it was still morning.

"Do you know a place?" he asked.

I chuckled and motioned for him to get in the car, which he did. I helped him fasten his seat belt, and he sniffed my neck, causing me to roll my eyes discreetly.

During the ride, his hands rested on my legs, and I allowed it so he wouldn't suspect that instead of taking him to heaven, we were headed to hell.

I parked discreetly behind the hotel and stepped out. Uno's men were already there, ready to take care of the crate and the officer.

If only you had let me pay you, none of this would have happened.

"What are we going to do with him, F?" one of the men asked.

"Kill him. I don't need him anymore," I replied, entering the hotel with the men carrying the crate.

As we entered the office, Uno greeted me with a wide smile. He was about to hug me when I gave him a warning glance. Uno chuckled and nodded, reminding himself to keep a distance of at least five feet from me.

"You're looking good today, F. Is someone going to keep you company later? I heard you brought a guy here," Uno laughed as he untied the ribbon.

"You know I don't do romance, Uno. Besides, that guy was an officer. Your men took care of him," I said, throwing myself onto the couch and watching his eyes light up as he marveled at the new weapon I had brought.

It was a gun with poison bullets, designed to be discreet with its built-in silencer. With this gun, you could eliminate your enemies even if the bullet just wounded them.

"By the way, how's Due doing? I never thought he would get promoted after what you did," Uno mentioned, laughing. "That guy is unbelievable."

"Let him enjoy his promotion. I'll give him some work to do soon," I replied, standing up.

"Where are you going? Aren't you staying the night here?" he asked.

"No, I have something to take care of," I smirked and left the hotel.

I hurried to the farmhouse and found Tre standing in front of the guy who had dared to lay a hand on my girl.

"What are we going to do with him, F?" Tre asked, and I shook my head.

"Leave him. I'll handle it," I instructed.

The guards left, and I stared at the guy sitting in the corner, his face covered in blood, and his hands and feet tied with a rope. I forcefully pulled his hair to make him face me and chuckled at how ugly he looked.

"Seriously, you?" I scoffed in disbelief. "Do you know how much I care for her? Do you know how I almost sacrificed my life and happiness for her, and yet you dared to hurt her?" I yelled.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, struggling to catch his breath.


The moment I mentioned Becky's name, he lifted his face.

"If you want Becky, you can have her! I don't love her! She's the one who's..."

I violently slapped him, silencing him.

"Did your mother not teach you how to be a good boy?" I asked in a cold voice, lifting his swollen face. "Do you know what happens to people who harm her?" I questioned.

"Please, don't hurt my mom," he begged, his voice filled with fear, making me laugh.

"Becky is the daughter of a criminal. Her mother killed my father," I sighed, averting my gaze. "But she wasn't the criminal. She was innocent. You and your mother mistreated her because of that!" I shouted, grabbing the gun from my side and pointing it at him.

The guy started to urinate in his pants out of fear. He trembled and cried, begging for his life, but my mind went blank.

"As much as I want to forgive, I can't. You had hurt my baby, so you deserve death."

And with that, I pulled the trigger three times in a row.

His lifeless body fell to the cold floor, blood flowing until it reached my stilettos. Tre entered the room, and I ordered him to clean up the mess and warn the guy's mother that if she ever laid a finger on Becky again, she would wake up without fingers.

Hours passed before I returned home and found Becky refusing to eat or drink, so I dismissed the maid and sat in front of her. Gently, I wiped the food from her lips. Becky gradually calmed down and lowered her head. She still couldn't see her surroundings, but the previous night, I had instructed the maid to remove her blindfold once I left.

Becky had not eaten or drunk anything all day, and it worried me. She could harm herself in this state. I took water into my mouth and, grabbing her jaw, transferred the water into her mouth. I didn't let go until she had finished the whole glass.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" she asked, her voice still stern.

I didn't answer her. Instead, I made her stand up and led her to her room. I decided to clean her up, so I undressed her myself, and she didn't resist even the slightest bit. Despite being fully undressed, she didn't scream or fight back, as if she already knew me.

While washing her, I couldn't help but admire her perfect body. Even though there were bruises on her back, I still found her captivating. She used to be a strong woman. What happened to that Becky?

I kissed her shoulder, but all she did was gasp, not resisting. I furrowed my eyebrows at her response. What if she was thinking of someone else while I did this? No way.

"I hope you're the person I've been expecting," she whispered. "I'll give you my all if you're Freen."

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