Chapter 28: No Mercy

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I stood at the top of a towering building, facing Cinque. The wind whipped around us, intensifying the tension in the air. We locked eyes, knowing that only one of us would survive this encounter.

"You were supposed to be the one to die, Becky!" Cinque exclaimed.

Without wasting a moment, Cinque launched a rapid flurry of punches towards me. I swiftly ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding each blow. Spotting an opening, I countered with a swift kick aimed at her abdomen, successfully pushing her back a few steps.

"You have no idea how I feel right now," I said, cautiously moving towards her. "The pain is overwhelming. How dare you hurt my girl?"

I prepared to kick her again, but Cinque quickly recovered, evading my attacks with impressive agility. She struck back with precision, landing a powerful blow to my shoulder. The impact reverberated through my body, but I refused to let it break my focus. Gritting my teeth, I retaliated with a rapid series of strikes, aiming for her midsection. Though she managed to block and dodge most of them, a few connected, causing her to stumble.

Driven by adrenaline, I closed the distance between us and grappled Cinque in a tight bear hug. I used every ounce of my strength to pin her arms to her sides, creating an unbreakable hold. She struggled, desperately attempting to break free, but I held firm, refusing to let go.

Breathing heavily, I knew victory was within reach. Then, I noticed a rusty knife nearby, presumably left by Freen. I had initially told Freen that I would deal with Cinque my own way and killing her wasn't part of the plan. However, after what she had done to Freen, my mind went berserk. I couldn't let the person who hurt Freen go unpunished.

I picked up the knife and slowly slit Cinque's throat. Blood sprayed out, drenching both of us. As she met her demise, she whispered, "Get my heart, I know you need it."

With Cinque lifeless, I opened her chest. If this was what she wanted, then I would honor her request. I retrieved her heart, but I couldn't bring myself to use it. I would rather die than possess the heart of a traitor.

"Stop it, my baby. This isn't who you are," someone said from behind me.

My vision was obscured by blood covering my face. As the person walked closer, I recognized her face. The face of a true serial killer.

Since I was a child, I had vowed to never become like my mom, yet here I was, killing a person like an animal.

Tears streamed down my face as I longed for my mother's embrace. It wasn't because I missed her, but because I knew I would miss her.

The moment she hugged me, I plunged the knife into her back. Simultaneously, I felt a stinging pain behind me. I coughed up blood and saw my mom's face. She was smirking.

"No Armstrong should live if I die, my baby. So, I'll take you with me," she said, and we both collapsed to the floor.

My vision grew blurry, and all I could see was white. Memories of my mom, dad, and brother flashed before me, back when everything was fine, when I was just a kid.

Now, I wondered if I hadn't seen that document, would Freen's father still be alive? Would my mother have become a killer? Would my father have been killed? Would I have died?

Regret overwhelmed me. I wished I had let my uncles steal the money. Maybe then there would be no bloodshed. No one would die, and no one would suffer.

It was all my fault. This was my fault, not Freen's. I turned to the doorway where Tre had taken Freen and managed a faint smile.

I hope you survive, my love. I hope you can start afresh. I ruined your life, and now it's time for you to go back to square one.

I love you, my Freen. In the twilight of my days, I wish for your heart to heal, even as mine brims with both gratitude for our time together and sorrow for the moments we will never share.

I wish that even without me, you'll find solace.

"Becky, can you hear me?" I heard Non's voice, but I couldn't see him clearly. "Hold on, I'll take you to Otto."

"Non..." I struggled to speak. "Please take care of Freen for me. Don't let her suffer and help her heal. Tell her I love her so much," I gasped between breaths.

"Stop talking. You can say that to her once you're okay. Just hold on, okay?" Non pleaded.

I nodded, even though I couldn't promise that I could hang on much longer. The light enveloped me, but I managed to muster a final smile.

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