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There Ben was floodlighting in the familiar Stary night of his adolescent past.

"hey Kid, Been a bit, huh"

Ben couldn't believe what was happening here, Ben never would've guessed that he saw them again. There were the last people he ever wanted to see again. He sighed a deep tiresome sigh and forced a half smile to gain some composure, he has matured quite a bit to keep a good face with them.

"All alright what do you guys want" Ben said defying the composure and maturity he just displayed.

"is that any way to speak to us you dammed brat!" the voice roared with aggression and hatred towards finally the two beings in perfect display in this cosmic mess. Two heads of energy can be seen. If you were to walk in, the first thing you'd notice is the stark contrast from each other, you can guess each personality just from looks. One covered in love and emotion, her appearance matched that look, soft, and beautiful if just a face can be called that. The other filled to the brim with rage and migration, he too matched his persona, angular features, and crinkles here and there from always being angry. Serena was feminine beauty while Belecus was Masculine and enraged.

"alright my apologies, what do you want Belicus and Serina"

"Still Rude ...but a bit better you coky Bratt" Belecus remarks through his chuckling

"Enough playing around Belecus" Serena stepped in, or rather floated in

"I don't play" Belecus roared, offended at the very notion that he could even attempt to play around.

"I'm just teaching this so called nutrial party a lesson"

Your being difficult again, deer" Serena said with a soft knowing smile

"am not!"

"are too"

Am Not"

" hey hey, stop , if I let you guys have your way ill be standing here for eons" Ben said annoyed and finally having enough of this situation

"hes not wrong" they say in unison"

"alright then we'll cut to the chase if that is your wish" Belecus said with surprising understanding

"thank you," Ben said with relief"
the voice of aggression continued

"so to make a long story short, we're gonna do battle with intergalactic tyrants for the sake of their pleasure and viewing experience"

"even Serena face palmed at this response to her angry partner"

"your not really being fair deer" she spoke softly with understanding

"Fine then you tell him" he said bored from the constant droning ,

"oh bother, if it doesn't have  violence or chaos he wants no part in it," Serena said amused

"quite, there is another beauty in the chaos that you can't understand"
he spoke, creating a sweat drop between the other two. Serena carried on with her explanation

"so to start with ill say that rumors of your exploits even reached beyond the universe, that's how we found out in the first place, otherwise we would still be arguing," Serina said with amusement. This made Ben remember his past, that intergalactic court that he found himself in. He has to fight for his life in Tetramant combat and win. He couldn't believe all that he's been through and at such a young age, now being in his 40's he knows better.

"Are you going to stare off into space forever boy" the voice of rage boomed, adding to his name. Ben quickly came into focus, gaining back his attention. "OK so you need someone with great engagement to fight for you, I think I'm starting to get the picture?" Ben said with a coy smirk
"You really have grown haven't you" This time Serina spoke with joy in her eyes, like a mother proud of her son.
"Well, congrats for you" Belecus snorted with furrowed brows.

"Still I don't really see how this has anything to do with me," Ben said gaining pause from both the celestial beings. Not knowing how to break it to him Serina quivered slightly and Belicus tried his best to remain stoic.

Ben getting tired of the pause, spoke up
"Just tell me, I may be able to help, it's what I do after all," he said the last part with a smirk, which annoyed one and amused the other.

"So your universe is going to blow up if you don't participate in this cosmic fight" This earned another stare from Serena.
"Belecus?!, did you have to say it so bluntly"
This then brought more silence from Ben who can not but stare dumbfounded at this sudden news. (annihilated?!) he screamed internally while his eyes stared at the two cosmic forces waiting for a response. "You see what you did" Serena continued almost not understanding the situation of the word. Then again these two are so disconnected from "normal" reality that there beyond any normal personal issues. That's why Ben never liked them in the past it was so difficult delighting when one wanted to bring back the dinosaurs and the other wanted a planet full of butterflies or something ridiculous like that.
"Oh please he should get it by now, he's grown right?!" he said the last part sarcastically which angered the man even more. "Just tell me the details" Ben sounded out with no more room for bearing, this surprised the two who were used to the more laid-back Ben from before. "Alright, fine, but I don't like your tone at all boy-"
"Bellicouse" Serina said with a motherly tone causing the floating embodiment of rage to sweatdrop. "Okay okay, I'm explaining!, now listen closely, I'm only saying this once you got that?!"

Cosmic Beyond- Ben10Where stories live. Discover now