wake up falling

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i opened my eyes, and found air blowing fast around me. i looked up and all there was, was the bright blue sky, down was just a blur. i close my eyes bracing for contact. but it never came, ur that is, i didn't feel it. i opened my eyes again and found my self in a world made of blocks, wait was i in, minecraft? a song took over my thoughts, 'first i opened my eyes, then i found such a strange new place, i had traveled to a world made of blocks totally un be known to me...."

i snapped back to realization, i was in minecraft! i looked around, all i could see was trees, trees, trees. you should climb one so you can see more around . i got up off the ground and parkored up some near by trees. when i reached the top i could see much better, mental high five, lets see, there was some mountains west, more forest north, a dessert east and prairie (or plains, what ever you call it, where you can get horses, lets go with that). where should i go though? probably not the dessert, that's like the worst place to be at night, way to many mobs, same goes for the mountains, that has to many creepers, so prairie or forest? i was in the middle of my debate when i heard a soft voice "um excuse me bro but do you know whats going on?" i turned around and couldn't believe my eyes! the bajan Canadian was standing right in front of me. i froze for a moment before answering, surprised by how calm i sounded, "no dood, ." i stated "oh sorry, and thanks anyways" he started to turn around. "hey wait!" wait what am i saying! "huh?" "well, we don't know what will happen if we die in this and mobs can be hard to deal with, so wanna team up?" nice going genus, your a f*cking solo player, you don't know worth a lick about teaming with anyone, much less a famous fricking MC youtuber! "uh sure, but mined if my friends hang out with us too?"

"sure don't see why not!"

what the hell dumb ass! he probably means like asfjerome, deadlox, and them! your so scrude

can you go away you stupid voice!


Damn it

I zoned back when I heard Mitch call his friends over "guys come on I found someone stuck here to help us out !" "coming." wait was that, ashleymarrieegaming! I saw ty ( deadlox ) pop up followed up by skydoesminecraft adam,

ashleymarrieegaming aka ashley,

Munchingbrotato aka tyler,


Minecraft universe aka jason,

Huskeymudkipz aka Quintin ,

Ssundee aka ian,


And Asfjerome aka Jerome,

I felt as though I was about to explode, all my favorite youtubers were right in front of me. and were gonna team with me, I kept my cool though.

"So where should we go? " Adam asked looking around "that's what I was trying to figure out when Mitch walked up, ur parkored up to me" I said looking at them "wait up, I don't believe we caught your name ." bash added

"Oh sorry, I'm DJ" I introduced myself

"Oh, I thought you were another Stupid boy, no affiance, but I'm so glad your not! " Ashley exclaimed causing me to chuckle to my self.  my minecraft skin has long dirty-blonde hair with black headphones , a purple hoody, black shorts, and black boots , oh and my two lime green bracelets  "any who, so where are we going?!?!?!" quintin asks/yells "how bout we build a house on the edge of the plains near the edge of the woods?" bash concludes and we all agree, heading out of the woods. but i could help but feel, there was something out there, watching us all, i must be going crazy, i did get trapped in minecraft after all!

unknown pov

i turn from the wall, so teamcrafted, that girl, and their friends are teaming up aye. i point to one of my minions "you! give our so called 'heroes' a little trouble, but DONT KILL THEM! i want to be able to enjoy that myself." i smirk this is going to be fun.

hey guys dis is trix aka youtube_girl13 i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! this is definitely not your average fan fic! any ways hope y'all enjoyed and have a awesome day, and peace out!

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