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"I've had a vision-" I end the call. Closing my eyes I search for my old obsession. Florence, Italy. After tracking down his precise location I open my eyes and I'm outside a very fancy restaurant.

'I can't wait to hear what he visioned'.

I realise I'm in my towel, luckily no ones around so I chuck it so the side. I click both of my fingers then a cloud of smoke whirls around me.

Suddenly I'm in a rich silky black dress with a slit upto my upper right thigh and black heels. I materialise a mirror in my hand to see my classic smokey eyes, crimson lips and my hair in a high ponytail with a satisfying curl at the end, forgetting to mention the subtle diamond necklace.

Materialising a purse I strut into the restaurant as if I own the place. As if he could feel my eyes on him I wave when our eyes lock onto each other with a big smile on my face. My hips sway as I walk to the bar, taking a seat on the fancy stool next to my old lover I order a drink from a very attractive bar tender.

We stay silent until my drink arrives "Grazie" I wink at him and he blushes. Hearing a scoff from grumpy old Arthur I turn my stool so I'm completely facing him. He still looks the same, bland "So what's up Doc?" Looking at me with distaste "Your teleportation has gotten more powerful".

I take a sip "And that's a problem because?" He downs his glass of whatever he was drinking "Tell me of what this vision entails" He orders another drink "You brought back Lucifer, and he killed Amelia".

'Who the fuck is Amelia?'.

I didn't realise I said my thought out loud. He looks at me with disbelief "The Amulet Regina" I clench my teeth "I didn't even know her fucking name so don't snap at me, it's mean" I pout "Anyways why is that my problem?" He's silent for a second "He also killed you" My laugh booms through the barely filled restaurant "That's funny because we just had a little chat" I smirk.

Looking alarmed I hold my hand up "Don't worry I told him to fuck off" I love lying, well it wasn't a lie at all "I don't know wether to believe you or not" His eyebrows furrow trying to figure me out "That's your choice" I look at the clock to my left "Time's a ticking Arthur, you know I'm a busy woman nowadays" I inform him "Let's say you were telling the truth. Do not bring him back, you and Amelia will die".

I'm lost "Who's Amelia- "She's the fucking Amulet Regina!" I try not to smirk "Just call it the Amulet around me, you know what I'm like with names" I joke. He scoffs and rolls his eyes "You were crying" I take a gulp of my drink "Fake crying has always been a talent of mine" I point out the obvious. He glares at me "You're right. This could've been solved over the phone you didn't have to show up".

I stand up from my seat and down the rest of my drink, gently placing it on the counter "I wanted to see you, it's been so unfortunately long, I needed to see this beautiful face" I playfully squish his face with both hands which lingers. He doesn't look impressed, but there's a moment, where we really look in each others eyes.

I've always admired his light brown eyes. Though mine are way more beautiful. They were the first thing that captivated me "I'm sorry that my love for you wasn't real, that you were only my obsession. If I wasn't the way I am, things could've been better between us" My words were real. A flash of shock covers his eyes then it dissapears.

I let go of his face and clear my throat "It was a delight to see you again Arthur" After taking a few steps away from him he shouts my name, walking towards me "I need to know one thing" He looks hot when he's serious. Oh when he wrapped his hand around my throat squeezing as tightly as he could whilst looking at me with pure hatred. I never felt so hot and bothered in my immortal life.

"What did you say to Lucifer that day when you changed your appearance to look and sound like me?" I roll my eyes "I told him that you were going to help him destroy the world and kill the Amulet in exchange for half of it's power" I couldn't tell him the truth.

I couldn't tell Arthur that I did it to save his life. I made a deal as Arthur to kidnap and exchange the Amulet as long as Lucifer doesn't harm a single hair on Arthurs head. There was no way I could get to the Amulet. It was guarded like the most precious thing on earth.

That's why I went to the battle, because Lucifer clicked that it wasn't Arthur but Lucifer couldn't prove that it was me that tricked him. I was scared for him. If Lucifer harmed Arthur in a life threatening way, that's where I'd jump in. Seeing that Arthur was ok. It was the first time that I ever thanked God, and it would be the last.

"You're lying" He states bluntly "What did you say Regina?" My eyebrows slant down "What makes you think I'm lying?" He nods towards my hand "Whenever you lie your right hand twitches slightly that only one with real good eyesight can see" I show no emotion "Goodbye Arth-" As I'm about to turn he grabs my upper arm.

"I need to know" I gently remove his hand from my arm "All you need to know is that you're safe" My voice is soft. Confusion covers his face, as he's about so say something my phone pings. Looking at the message I groan in annoyance "What's wrong?" I raise a brow at his question "My therapy appointment has been changed to Wednesday".

He looks even more baffled "Therapy?" I scoff "Yes Arthur, therapy" My phone bings again "Oh, now this case is juicy" I smirk "Case?" I shrug at him "I'm a lawyer, and a damn good one at that" He's still baffled "You've got a job" Annoyance is obvious on my face "Yes, I've got to do something with my immortal life. At least it's interesting and not boring like yours. Protecting the Amulet, being good and all of that icky shit".

I walk away from him. I need to get back to my lovely bed and have terrible dreams that brings a smile on my face each morning.

(I wrote this so quick that there might be mistakes and things might not make sense. Please let me know if there is any. Thank you for reading 💖)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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