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I wake up emotionless. A part of me just wants to say it was a nightmare, not reality. I get dressed and go down to the bakery, doing my usual routine.

So many people came in the morning and early afternoon for treats as they're celebrating the first death of a Whitch. I wanted to poison them but I've made good money, not to sound insensitive but a girl has to live. As it gets to late afternoon the bell chimes "I apologise but you'll have to come in later, I've ran out of treats but I'm making more right now" I didn't look up as I carefully place the dough in the fire.

"Regina" A soft voice speaks out. I pause, wanting to jump over the counter and rip her apart. Keeping my anger in has always been hard, but this beast wants to break out of it's iron cage to tear everything and everyone apart "I don't understand Regina, she was a Witch she had to burn why are you so upset you should be happy".

I snap around and bang my hands on the counter "You all took words of a man, a drunkard man and burned an innocent woman at the stake! There was no official proof to show anyone anything only words! You should be ashamed of yourself, for fucks sake Witches aren't even real they're monsters from stories to frighten children!".

I scoff "But it turns out everyone in this town is a monster. I didn't expect you to be one of them. If she was a Witch wouldn't she have a used spells to get out of the rope then ride off on her fucking magic broom cackling like a maniac?!" I internally smirk at her reaction, her face drops. Then I'm surprised.

She looks cold "Well I'd rather risk taking the word of a drunkard than having a disgusting Witch roaming, living in our town we need to protect it from those devil worshipers!" I shake my head "So even if she was innocent you wouldn't bat an eye?" She nods "You're truly disgusting Matilde" She gasps "You don't mean that please don't mean it you're my bestfriend I don't want to lose you!".

Tears well up in her eyes "Well tell me this, would you cheer for my death if I was accused a Witch? Would you shout out "Kill her, burn her"? Would you take pleasure seeing me burn at the stake?" Something flashes in her eyes.

'That cunt!'.

Hecate growls.

'She deserves to be burned at the stake'.

"But you're not a Witch Regina you're my friend" My hand is itching to slap her "That answers my question, even if I was innocent but someone said I was a Witch you would believe them" She doesn't say anything "You've known me for years, I helped you that night eleven years ago! I helped you with Harrison I was always there for you!" My voice cracks at the end.

"But you have to understand Regina, Witches are vermin that needs to be terminated!" I lean forward "You haven't even met a Witch!" I laugh incredulously "And this proves how much you value our friendship if someone accused you as a Witch I would fight for your survival" She goes silent for a second "Please don't leave me, I beg you, you have done so much for me and-".

My face is blank "You are no more welcome here unless you would like to buy something" I ignore her presence and carry on working "Regina, I'm sorry don't do this to me, you're my only friend" I look back to her "You're my only friend too" There's hope in her eyes "But you wouldn't bat an eye as I'd be burning right infront of you screaming with fear".

She sniffles "Ok. Goodbye Regina, I'll miss you" I ignore her, after a minute the bell chimes and she's gone. I feel lighter, more free. Did I even truly and really cared about Matilde? No. I've gotten so good at pretending that I actually believed myself that I was becoming friends with her.

The night falls upon the town and I head off to bed. My eyes close and I drift off into which I hope will be dreamless.

I walk through the dark cold castle in the finest dress I've ever seen. Looking around in wonder I adore the dark theme, blood red and black are the only colours I see apart from the dark brown wodden floor that barely creeks. I open the two grand doors that I've unintentionally walked to.

Opening the doors there's barely any light. Stepping into the room I jump in shock when the doors slam shut. There's a long grand table with rich looking chairs, I feel compelled to sit at the end of the table where there's most light. The light only covers half of the room so I'm looking straightforward into darkness.

"Regina" A deep voice calls out. I can't find the owner of the deep seductive voice but my head is still looking forward where a chair should be at the end. Suddenly a pair of bright red eyes stare into mine "It is a great pleasure of finally meeting you miss Beaumont" My eyebrows furrow. The eyes dissapeare, at the same time there's a whoosh sound "I've been watching you for a while, you've captivated my attention but not only by your powers but also your beauty" I gasp when It's voice is right by my ear

I've been called beautiful so many times that even when the red eyes say it I don't react to it "I see that you're not giving any reaction to my compliment" I shrug "I've received so many compliments it no longer affects me, including yours" A deep chuckle makes me raise an eyebrow "Who are you?" I get straight to the point.

This doesn't feel like a dream. I know the difference, the thought of other supernaturals such as demons etc. Wouldn't be a surprise, if Whitches are real then why are they not?

"Take a guess my dear" Amusement is evident in it's voice. Red eyes. Grand castle with dark colours, deep seductive voice, it's a no brainer "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lucifer Morningstar".

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