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It's been just over a year since the death of Harrison Parker. Matilde was a mess, she barely left her home, stayed in bed all the time so it was left down to me to take care of her. She mourned for two months.

I didn't feel bad for being the reason for Matildes grief, Harrison's gone and I couldn't be happier. An additional bonus is that Cassidius had to leave for something, we don't know when he'll come back. Hopefully he never will.

Sweeping up the floor of my bakery the bell chimes "Regina! I've got some news" I look back to see Matilde grinning like a mad man which confuses but also amuses me "And the news is?" I question after a while of her not continuing with the news she's desperate to share "Oh yes! Apologies" I wave my hand "Casidius is back today!" She squeals with pure excitement.

My face drops but quickly a strained false smile replaces the dread, so quick that Matilde didn't notice "I heard that he looks incredibly more handsome than before he left. Regina I cannot express how you and him will make the perfect couple, both of your beauty and personality will be the perfect match" Her wide grin is still on her face.

Continuing sweeping "My friend I find no interest in him at all" She pouts "Why not?" I lightly sigh "He isn't the man that I'm looking for, I want a man who isn't about money and looks" She nods in understanding "Oh, I just remembered I have to leave. My neighbour is leaving town for a few days so my job is to water the plants and look after her cat, I'll see you soon my dear friend" She rushes out of the bakery.

I groan in annoyance, why does that bastard have to come back so soon.

'You should kill him'.

I mentally scoff.

'Hecate you know I cannot'.

She cackles.

'Not unless he gives you a reason to'.

I smile, she's got a point. Maybe I can provoke him to the point where I'll have no choice but to kill him. I see that he has anger issues and I can use them to my advantage.

The day falls into the night and just as I'm about to get out of my dress I hear roarings from the people and cheers. I look out of my window and I see people walking through the street with torches hearing them chant "Kill her! Kill her!" Some "Let her burn at the stake!" My heart pauses when I hear "Kill the Witch!".

My eyes widen. What the fuck is going on? I rush out of my room and burst out the doors of my bakery. Running as fast as I can following the townspeople they stop in the center. Not being able so see anything I jump onto a wall and my lungs stop. There in the middle of town a woman is tied to a pole, rope wrapped around her so tight she can only move her head.

The people at the front have torches, scaring her as they threaten to burn the bundle of twigs and logs of wood that's surrounded at her feet. Her cries and screams cause pain to my heart "No please! I'm not a Witch I swear!" A man shouts out "See she is a Witch, the bitch just swore!" Shaking her head from side to side rapidly "No please I've done nothing!" She wails out.

"She has a black cat! And I've witnessed her making potions" The crowd keeps chanting the word "Witch".

'That's not how it's pronounced'.

I shake my head. Fury pulses through me, just because she has a fucking cat and makes whatever doesn't make her a Witch! I want to burn every single one of them alive, their pathetic selves running around like chickens. I hear a small shout from a woman, I turn my head and I'm in shock.

It's Matilde "Burn Witch burn!" I have never felt so betrayed in my life, if I was on that stake would she say the same thing to me? This woman is innocent there's no power radiating off of her. Matilde wants to see an innocent woman die just from the words of a man, she's taking enjoyment from this public death.

She laughs at the screams and cries. I've never felt so disgusted in my life. I've never seen this side of her before. I want to kill her in the most brutal way possible, along with the other bastards but her, it'd be barbaric.

I believe she felt eyes on her, she turns her head towards my direction and she flinches at my eyes that show pure fury and disgust. She shakes her head and beckons me to her, I just stare until we hear the mayor "Everybody silence!" They do as he says, I blank out everything that he says until I hear "Burn the bitch back to the hell from which she came!" I gasp when the people chuck their torches.

"No! No! Noooo!" They're monsters, tears fall from my eyes as I witness her slow and painful death "Listen Witches! You all should be very careful unless you want to be like her!" I jump off the wall and storm back home I slam the doors behind me with the flick of my hand and sit on a chair with my head down and hands covering my face.

My body jolts from the silent sobs that escape me. Lifting my head up I scream as loud as I can, drowning out the chants. They're hunting Whitches, they're burning innocent women from the words of man. I hear light knocks on the door "Regina" I do everything within my power not to murder her brutally. I want to rip out her insides and hang her dead body near the center where everybody can see her.

I stay silent. They just burned a woman, I don't want to be next "Regina I know you're in there please let me in!".

I grin maliciously, an idea pops inside my mind. She won't die by my hands because...

'Matilde Quinn, you will be next on the stake'.

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