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I tap the bathroom sink in annoyance "How did you manage to find me?" He speaks through gritted teeth, well fangs at the moment.

'I have my ways'.

There's no disagreement in that "I thought you'd be locked for a bit longer, it's only been what? Just over a year? Seeing that little feisty thing bring you down was pretty impressive" He growls in distaste when I mentioned the Amulet.

'You know what it's like for us immortals, a year means nothing'.

Though a year means nothing to us, it's still something. 

'I could feel your presence that night, it saddened me that you didn't come to my rescue when that little bitch locked me away'.

I laugh "Oh you know I'd never miss a good old battle, especially with the Devil and Amulet involved" I stopped tapping my nail on the porcelain sink.

'How did you find out?'.

Smirking I copy his words "I have my ways. So what is this lovely little reunion for?" I analyse his face and I can see he's reluctant, very reluctant.

'I need your help. To destroy the Amulet and, to get me out of here. I've escaped my nightmares but I'm still locked. That little bitch made sure to keep me down here'.

I can't help but burst out laughing "You, Lucifer, one of the oldest and powerful being in the universe needs my help. Wow this is hilarious" I calm down and he growls "If I do decide to help you, what do I get in return?".


I shake my head and roll my eyes "I can get to him anytime I want" This idiot.

'His death'.

I groan "Boring" Though I dislike Arthur with a burning passion I'm not ready to kill him just yet. Lucifer growls with fustration.

'Regina..get..me..the..fuck OUT OF HERE!'.

The products on my shelves start to rattle then stop. With all of this huffing and puffing he's going to blow down my flat "Did you forget that you planned to kill me?" I glare at him. His crimson eyes are confused.

'What the hell are you talking about?'.

I dryly chuckle "The year 1899. Things were going so well for us Luci, but you forgot to lock your office door. What did you say again?" I pause for dramatic effect "Oh it was 'Once she helps me destroy and overrule the human realm I will end her' then you raised a small vile with purple liquid. So I decided to fuck you over".

He glances downwards then back up staring straight into my eyes. I can't read him.

'I wasn't talking about you'.

I grip the sink and lean forward "Bullshit" Hecate disagrees in my mind which shocks me.

'He's speaking the truth'.

I'm puzzled. Who was he talking about, I remember he mentioned someone else helping but never said their name.


My eyes slightly widen out of surprise "Wow, what did she do for you wanting to kill her after your plan?" He groans.

'It's between her and I. I have another offer, you can become a Queen, I can make a world for you that is all yours-'.

I interrupt him "No" Just as he's about to interject "I don't want anything, but I guess I'll help anyways but only to get you out not help you with overruling Earth, I can't be bothered also I've got therapy. Being back in that mindset won't do good for my mental health" Surprisingly we both laugh, he looks at me meaningfully.

'I've missed you Regina. We've had some good times'.

I shrug "They were decent" He tries not to look dissapointed "I'm a sociopath, I can't feel any real emotion, I can only mimic empathy and yada yada but I definitely have fun messing with people" I wink at him, he has a look of realisation.

'How would you like to no longer deal with being a sociopath?".

I pout "Emotions are stupid and I thought you liked me like this. Cunning and cold" This conversation is getting strange.

'I can reverse it, you can have one day of how to feel then at midnight you'll be back to your sociopathic ways'.

I was always curious on how to feel, It'll be for only one day.

'You have my word Regina'.

'He's speaking the truth'.

Thanks Hecate "Fine, I'll do it but it'll have to be tomorrow night. I'm busy" He looks relived.

'Thank you my old friend, have I told you that you look ravishing covered in blood.

I nod "Ok now fuck off" We both smirk and he vanishes from the mirror, I only see my reflection. I do look good but it's gross so I decide to take a shower. Stepping out with a towel wrapped around me I walk into my bedroom seeing it's all fresh and clean "Thank you my lovelies" Light ghostly whispers flutter around.

After drying myself my phone rings, I pick up "Regina Beaumont" There's only the sound of heavy breathing "Hello?" I'm speechless when I hear the voice I wouldn't expect to hear in a million years "I need your help" He grunts.

I'm grinning like the Cheshire Cat "Arthur what a lovely surprise. What can I help you with my dear? It must be very important to even ask little old me" I speak through my grin.

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